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同时,坦克,但用砂纸皆大欢喜。The same tank but sanded nicely.

道路在暴风雪之后铺上了沙子。The roads were sanded after the snowstorm.

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在这里您可以看到刚才的铰链销用砂纸冲水。Here you can just see the hinge pin sanded flush.

加砂压裂压力分析及应用。An Analysis and Its Application of Sanded Fracture.

i砂纸远离有点太多了一些,但只有一少。I sanded away a little too much on some but only a little.

他每天撒沙了,而且我们每个夜晚讨论进步。He sanded each day, and we discussed the progress each night.

这些将得到形和砂纸,以及在安装之前。These will get shaped and sanded as well before installation.

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我用砂纸磨边边角角的地方,去除接头处的不均。I sanded the corners to take away any unevenness in the joints.

老港口被沙阻塞过甚,大船不能进入。The old harbor is now so sanded up that large vessels cannot enter.

有点现货的腻子,以打圆场,然后我用砂纸它顺利。A bit of spot putty to smooth things over and then I sanded it smooth.

磨毛麂皮鞋面商务部脚趾和对比度增加风格的拼接。Sanded suede upper with moc toe and contrast stitching for added style.

后腻子的干燥i湿砂纸再次,这是我结束了。After the putty dried I wet sanded again and this was what I ended up with.

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不用担心,虽然,因为这将砂纸顺利之前启动和绘画。No worries though, as this will be sanded smooth prior to priming and painting.

皇冠造型大陆架细单线,并用砂纸与优雅的弧形线。The crown molding shelf are finely routed and sanded with elegantly curved lines.

她还磨光了原来的橡木地板和染了他们一个黑暗杰克本布朗的颜色。She also sanded down the original oak floors and stained them a dark Jacobean brown.

实际情况表明,天然牧草地和沙地都有很多变化。Actual condition makes clear, natural meadowy have a lot of change with sanded ground.

现在是大连市沙河口区长兴市场的党支部书记。Now is the Party branch secretary that warden of Dalian city sanded bayou starts the market.

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在熟练掌握踢沙包的基础上,让学生改换颠手球。On the base that plays sanded bag in adroitness control, let a student change bump handball.

它们一般是用喷枪喷上之后打磨来形成很光滑的漆面。They are usually required to be sprayed on and sanded to provide a smooth finishing surface.

门把手旁边的手工打磨木制品和透明玻璃条吸引着人们入内。Hand sanded wood and a transparent glass strip inviting along with the door handle, to the inside.