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也就是后来的杜马It became known as the Duma.

条约还必须获得俄罗斯杜马的批准才能生效。The Russian Duma must also approve the treaty.

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这份条约需得到俄罗斯国家杜马批准才可正式生效。The treaty must be ratified by the Russian State Duma into effect.

一位写过卡廷屠杀相关书籍的美国历史学家对这次国家杜马的决定表达出赞赏之意。A U.S. historian who wrote a book about Katyn, hailed the Duma decision.

在1905年的革命后,俄国的杜马开始了缓慢又短暂的改革。The Russian Duma began slowly passing reforms after the 1905 Revolution.

月中,鲍里斯·叶利钦在俄议会弹劾投票中幸免于难。In mid-month, Boris Yeltsin survived his own impeachment vote in the Duma.

该条约正式生效还需要得到俄罗斯国家杜马的批准。Entry into force of the Treaty also requires the approval of the Russian State Duma.

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该协议仍然需要参议院全体议员和俄罗斯杜马的批准。The agreement still requires ratification from the full Senate and the Russian Duma.

克里姆林宫还禁止前国际象棋冠军卡斯帕罗夫进行在杜马进行选举。It also barred Garry Kasparov, the former world chess champion, from running for the Duma.

吉姆科林斯大使将俄罗斯议会的一些领导人请到他的大使官邸。Ambassador Jim Collins invited a group of leaders of the Duma to his residence, Spaso House.

俄东正教大主教基里尔也认为,国家杜马不会同意从国歌中删除“上帝”一词。Russian Orthodox Patriarchate Kirill said the Duma would not agree to remove "God" from the lyrics.

后来他又食言,几乎取消了议会的所有权利,此后杜马又卷土重来Then he withdraws, eliminates basically all of its rights, and then the Duma will come back later on.

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国家杜马驳斥了有关科克瓦斯将等同于酒类并且禁止饮用后驾车的消息。The State Duma disproved information that kvass would be equated with alcohol and would be prohibited at the wheel.

俄罗斯支持克里姆林宫的杜马,或者说是众议院,在一个星期内就匆忙地通过了必需的相关立法。Russia's pro-Kremlin Duma or lower house of parliament rushed through the necessary legislation in less than a week.

杜马丁是2002年夺走202条人命的峇厘岛爆炸案主谋之一,是本区域遭通缉的激进伊斯兰教分子。Duma Ding 2002 claimed 202 lives in one of Bali bombing mastermind, is the region of wanted radical Islamic elements.

这份由俄罗斯国家杜马发表的申明表面了俄罗斯与前苏联坚定断绝关系的决心。The statement passed by the State Duma appears aimed as a step toward Russia definitively breaking with its Soviet legacy.

在美国参议院和俄罗斯杜马正式批准这个协议之后要达成任何一项新的双边协议,都会难上加难。Any future bilateral agreement, coming after the U.S. Senate and the Russian Duma ratify this one, will be harder to achieve.

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统一俄罗斯党目前拥有35席杜马席位中的大多数,投票结果出来后,少量反对派候选人可能在35席中占据几席。The poll is likely to see the handful of opposition deputies in the current 35-seat United Russia-dominated Duma lose their seats.

这次选举季,克里姆林宫费尽心机阻碍真正的自由右倾党派在杜马进行选举。This election season, the Kremlin went out of its way to prevent a true liberal, center-right party from running in the Duma elections.

据俄媒16日报道,为降低未成年人犯罪率,俄杜马日前通过一项法律,对未成年人施行"宵禁"。Russian state Duma has approved a bill introducing "night curfew" for minors to lower their crime rate, Russian media reported Thursday.