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这两所大学将合并。These two universities will amalgamate.

我们乐于与你们公司合作。We are happy to amalgamate with your company.

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那所学校将和另一所学校合并。That school will amalgamate with another school.

这个公司不会和另一个合并的。This company will not amalgamate with another company.

该公司决定并入总公司。The company has decided to amalgamate with the parent firm.

这家子公司已决定和母公司合并。The company has decided to amalgamate with the parent firm.

我们公司正计划与一家规模稍小的公司合并。Our company is planning to amalgamate with a smaller company.

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这个公司不会和另一个合并的。It's necessary for our two companies to amalgamate with each other.

如果将我们两家小企业合并起来,就能创造出一个实力更为雄厚的大企业。If we amalgamate our two businesses, we can creat a more powerful one.

有计划让乡村学校和附近一所规模较大的学校合并。There are plans to amalgamate the village school with a larger one nearby.

合并过程中能够快速发现树的最优部分。The amalgamate phase quickly ?nds the optimal partition that respects the tree.

如果你要喷虫胶漆,每层都会非常薄而且不会很好融合。If you were to spray shellac, the layers will be very thin and would not amalgamate.

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高度近视合并视网膜裂孔,会导致视网膜脱离、致盲。Highly near- sighted to amalgamate retina split holes , will cause detachment of retina, send to blind.

会员们决定把网球俱乐部和板球俱乐部合并,组成一个联合体育俱乐部。The members decided to amalgamate the tennis club with the cricket club , forming one combined sports club.

该误差模型包括静态误差模型、动态误差模型和混合误差模型三部分。The three parts of the error model are static error models, dynamic errors models and amalgamate errors models.

当她将此示范给大自然时,大自然选择跟随这一情形,融合光明与黑暗而和她一起横渡。As she showed this to nature, nature chose to follow suit and amalgamate light and dark and cross over with her.

我意愿学会融合我的造物音调,从而融合光明与黑暗并创造一个真正完全的提升。I intend to learn to amalgamate my tones of creation, blending light and dark and creating a real and complete ascension.

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复制分为快照复制、事务复制和合并复制三种方式,通过复制监视器等工具来保证复制运行的正确性。The replication has three mode as snapshot, transaction and amalgamate . The procedure can be supervised by oversight device.

一个老神甫和一个老战士,只要彼此都诚恳善良,原是最容易情投意合成为莫逆之交的。And moreover, when both are sincere and good, no men so penetrate each other, and so amalgamate with each other, as an old priest and an old soldier.

为了对一个对象集合进行聚类,提出一种基于分解-合并方法的聚类算法,方法综合了自顶向下的分解过程和自底向上的合并过程。Present a separate-and-amalgamate methodology for clustering a set of objects that combines a top-down "separate" phase with a bottom-up "amalgamate" phase.