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层做路面铺成的路。The plexiform layers of the retina.

RRD是视网膜脱离的主要类型之一。RRD is the main type of retina disease.

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眼睛视网膜神经萎缩,可以治好吗?Eye retina nerve is atrophic, can you cure?

做这项实验首先需将从藻类植物中提取的基因注射进视网膜上的神经细胞中。It involves injecting the gene into the retina.

人类的视网膜具有200000个棒状细胞。The retina of a human eye contains 200, 000 rods.

与人类的视网膜相比,鹰的更大。Compared to ours, an eagle's retina is physically larger.

当你有民主共和国,异常血管生长在视网膜。When you have PDR , abnormal blood vessels grow in the retina.

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物体在视网膜上形成的物像是倒立的吗?Is the reflection of objects projected on the retina upsidedown?

视网膜、眼球等所有部分都被全部炸坏了。The retina , the eye ball , everything was completely destroyed.

而一只视网膜上有大约1.2亿个光感受器。By contrast, one retina harbors about 120 million photoreceptors.

但大剂量残留的PFD可使视网膜毒性较早发生。However, large remaining of PFD can lead to retina toxicity early.

与杆状和锥状细胞一样,神经节细胞也是在视网膜上发现的。Like rods and cones, these ganglion cells are found in the retina.

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看东西出现闪光──可能是视网膜脱落。Flashing lights in your vision -- which could be a detached retina.

我们就蛋白质组学在视网膜领域的应用作一综述。Here we reviewed the applications of proteomics in the field of retina.

这样是为了确保手术期间视网膜能够处在正常位置。This secured the retina in its proper position for the healing process.

针刺能调控视网膜神经节细胞凋亡基因的表达。Acupuncture can adjust and control the gene expression in RGCs of retina.

你一不小心直视氦氩激光,暂停一轮并失去一只眼睛的视网膜。You accidently stare at a helium-argon laser, lose one turn and a retina.

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眼睛巩膜和视网膜之间深褐色的血管网。The dark-brown vascular coat of the eye between the sclera and the retina.

照片显示了概括视网膜血管网络的纯种老鼠的视网膜。This image shows a wistar rat retina outlining the retinal vessel network.

其它标志还包括视网膜出血和视神经肿胀。Other signs include bleeding of the retina and swelling of the optic nerve.