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这个字怎么念法?How is this word pronounced?

我向来观点鲜明。I'm a man of pronounced views.

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喉垂十分明显。The dewlap is very pronounced.

叶理特别发育。Foliation is particularly pronounced.

他向此英雄致颂词。He pronounced a eulogy upon the hero.

你的名字我念得对吗?Have I pronounced your name correctly?

法院驳回我的权利要求。The court pronounced against my claim.

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晚上8点50分,该男人被宣布死亡。The man was pronounced dead at 8.50pm.

他长着圆圆的鼻子,突出的観骨。He had a round nose, pronounced cheekbones.

这幅画具有浓厚的民族色彩。This painting had pronounced national color.

浓郁的深色水果和樱桃酒的香气。A pronounced intensity of red fruits and kirsch.

他们宣布每个被指控的人有罪。They pronounced guilty every one of the accused.

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她古板得成了十足的老处女。She had stiffened into a pronounced spinsterhood.

老师把每一个字音都读得很慢。PRONOUNCE】The teacher pronounced each word slowly.

专家断言这幅画是膺品。The expert pronounced the picture to be a forgery.

可能有碱中毒和缺钾。Alkalosis and potassium depletion may be pronounced.

可能有碱中毒和缺钾。Alkalosis and potassium depletion may be pronounced.

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他说话时小心翼翼一字一顿的。He pronounced each word carefully and all by itself.

和“irked”有相似的意思。Pronounced like and has asimilar meaning to “irked”.

拼法相同的词往往读音不同。Words written alike are often pronounced differently.