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隆冬时节的达卡灯火通明。It is winter and Dhaka is full of lights.

四月的达卡已近盛夏。Midsummer is drawing near to Dhaka in April.

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该病例是来自达卡Komalapur的一名16个月大的男婴。The case is a 16-month-old male from Komalapur, Dhaka.

这个关于首都达卡的一个地区—古丽的笑话This is a joke about Gulistan, an area in the capital, Dhaka

达卡南部,一位农民把牛牵到另一片草地上来吃草。Farmer moves a cow to another spot in pasture, south of Dhaka.

达卡的居民用牛粪饼作燃料和炊饭之用。Dhaka residents use the cakes of cow manure as fuel for cooking.

哈拉雷、莫尔斯比港和达卡则分别排在了最后。Harare, Port Moresby and Dhaka occupied the bottom of the table.

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这录音是在三月一号在一个达卡军营上举行的纪念会上录的。The recording was made on March 1 during an emotional meeting at the Dhaka cantonment.

这是3月1号在达卡一个军营中一场情绪激动的会议的录音。The recording was made on March 1 during an emotional meeting at the Dhaka cantonment.

达卡,孟加拉乘客在一条浮船桥上穿过布里甘加河,孟加拉。Bangladeshi commuters cross the Buriganga River on a floating boat bridge in Dhaka Bangladesh.

这件作品的名称,是由两位栖身于不同地点的达卡市街民所提议。The name was proposed by two different pavement dwellers from two different locations in Dhaka.

孟加拉国的达卡和吉大港被认为是主张人人平等的城市。Some of the most the most egalitarian cities were found to be Dhaka and Chittagong in Bangladesh.

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并且每天把这些东西送到达卡,卖给那里的零售商和集市。Jointly they have a daily transport of products to Dhaka where they sell to retailers and markets.

星期一上午,卡莉达•齐亚和阿拉法特朗姆是在达卡被反腐联合部队逮捕的。Khaleda Zia and Arafat were arrested in Dhaka Monday morning by joint forces on corruption charge.

枚炸弹港口市港院爆炸,卡附济布尔院图书馆乎被炸。Chittagong, and almost simultaneously a bomb exploded at a court library in Gazipur town, near Dhaka.

伯格的团队正与达卡的科学家们合作,评估砷元素向深层沉积物中移动的情况。Berg's team is in contact with scientists in Dhaka to evaluate arsenic migration into deeper sediments.

约80名研究者、政府官员、捐赠者和非政府机构的工作人员,参加了这次达卡的学术讨论会。About 80 researchers, policymakers, donors, and staff from non-governmental organisations attended the Dhaka workshop.

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在这里,达卡市的郊区,一座特别大型的竹桥帮助人们在河两岸间来往。Here, in the outskirts of Dhaka City, a particularly large one helps people get from one side of the river to another.

虽然达卡是国家不断勃动的心脏,但那些使孟加拉之所以成为孟加拉的东西都在农村。Although Dhaka is the beating heart of the nation, everything that makes Bangladesh what it is lies in the countryside.

当边防部队总部发生兵变时,孟加拉军队在首都达卡进行了部署。Bangladeshi troops were deployed in the capital Dhaka when a mutiny took place in the headquarters of the border guards.