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它们是不相容的They're incompatible.

独臫行走,与这格格不如的人群。Walk with this incompatible man's tide alone.

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他们毫不相容。They are utterly incompatible with each other.

这与现行政策不符。This is not incompatible with existing policy.

当然这两个观点并非互相矛盾的。And these views are of course not incompatible.

资历和伟大的想法是不相容的。Qualifications and great ideas are incompatible.

这两种分子都与铁盐不相容。Both molecules are incompatible with ferric salts.

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这种观点认为这两个东西是不相容的It's the view that these two things are incompatible.

那个教会的牧师说,伊斯兰教和基督教是不相容的。Its pastor says Islam and Christianity are incompatible.

这与分解性标准不相容。This is incompatible with the decomposability criterion.

这些选项中的一些是与其它选项不相容的。Some of these options are incompatible with other options.

它们乍看似乎不相容,但其实不然。They might look incompatible at a glance, but they’re not.

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两种教育的价值诉求是针锋相对、水火不容的。The purposes of these two kinds of education are incompatible.

因此,康德哲学与生态女性主义是不相容的。Therefore, Kant's philosophy is incompatible with ecofeminism.

现在他们了解到养蜂与忙碌的工作和家庭生活并不矛盾。Beekeeping is not incompatible with busy family and working life.

方案1和2与现有NTSC业务事实上是不兼容的。Options 1 and 2 are virtually incompatible with current NTSC service.

这似乎与我们已知的一致性增加的经验不符合。This seems incompatible with our experience of how entropy increases.

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另一个不兼容的变更是关于事务日值的位置。Another incompatible change is in the location of the transaction log.

在最常见的配子体系统中,不亲和的花粉管在花柱中破裂。In the commonest system, incompatible pollen tubes burst in the style.

原则上自然主义并不与所有的宗教形式不相容。Naturalism is not incompatible in principle with all forms of religion.