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黑氏为他叹了一口气。Darky heaved a sigh for him.

还不如当初象黑人那样学会犁田、摘棉花呢。Better that I'd learned to plow or chop cotton like a darky.

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后来终于有一个经理跑到这个健壮的黑人面前。Finally one of the managers bustled up to the stalwart darky.

好了,从此我再也不让这里的黑小子跟别处的女人结婚了。Well, never again will I let a darky on this place marry off it.

斯图尔特跟着停下来,黑小子也紧跑几步跟上了他们。Stuart halted , too, and the darky boy pulled up a few paces behind them.

你到底在棚户区这个糟糕的地方干什么,你是个体面的黑人呀?What on earth are you doing in a nasty place like shantytown you a respectable darky?

快乐的家庭主妇和心满意足的黑鬼都是由歧视产生的典型人物。The happy homemaker and the contented darky are both stereotypes produced by prejudice.

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幸福的家庭主妇和和心满意足的黑人都是偏见之下产生的典型人物。The happy homemakers and the contented darky are both stereotypes produced by prejudice.

他们还没有找到充分的证据,不过的确有人杀了这个侮辱白人妇女的黑鬼。They haven't proved it yet but somebody killed this darky who had insulted a white woman.

他们还没有找到充分的证据,不过的确有人杀了这个侮辱白人妇女的黑鬼。They have not proved it yet but somebody killed this darky who had insulted a white woman.

黑氏已经走下梯子,头上让雨淋湿了,滴滴答答顺着头发往下流水。Darky was already down from the ladder. Her hair, after the rain shower on the wall, was dripping wet.

黑氏不明白公公那么吝啬的人竟又那么大方,黑氏现在是明白了。At first, Darky did not understand how her father-in-law, such a stingy person could become so generous, but now she understood.

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他说夜晚会有一个美丽姑娘的灵魂在水中漫步,这也是为什么大家管它叫幽灵湖的原因。The old darky said that the spirit of a beautiful lady walked on the waters of the lake at night and that was why they called it spirit lake.

第二天的中午,乡邮员送给了一封信,是远在千里的地下另一个属于黑暗的木犊来的。The following noon, the town postman delivered a letter written by Mu Du from the dark world underground thousands of miles away. Mu Du had picked up no more characters than had Darky.

最明智的做法究竟是像州议会这样对着干,刺激北方佬,迫使他们把全部军队开过来,不管我们接受不接受,就把黑人选举权强加到我们头上。Whether it's wisest to fight this thing like the legislature has done, rouse the North against us and bring the whole Yankee Army on us to cram the darky vote down us, whether we want it or not.