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此应用程序是无状态的。The application is stateless.

越来越多的集群向无状态计算迁移。More of a shift to stateless computing.

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他们住在无国籍的边缘地区。They lived in a stateless twilight zone.

对于无状态服务对象很理想。It is ideal for stateless service objects.

在国内流离失所的人和无国籍的人士也是调查的对象。So were internally displaced and stateless people.

一个处理程序应该被作为无状态的实例实现。A handler should be implemented as a stateless instance.

HTTP是无状态请求/回复应用协议。HTTP is a stateless request-response application protocol.

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我从没想到我会有一个无国籍的孩子。Having a stateless child is something that never occurred to me.

消息流应该是中介活动中的无状态引擎。Message flows should be stateless engines in the mediation activities.

无国籍的人往往没有教育或医疗保健的权利。People who are stateless often have no right to schooling or health care.

和大部分前殖民时期的非洲一样,索马里传统上是一个无政府社会。Like most of precolonial Africa, Somalia istraditionally a stateless society.

短期运行流程是无状态的,通常拥有次秒级性能。Short-running processes are stateless and normally have subsecond performance.

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当无家可归的恐怖分子充斥着安全空隙时,中国人的身影却出现在金融界的各个角落。While stateless terrorists fill security vacuums, the Chinese fill economic ones.

该线程支持细粒度并行,实际上是一种无状态的线程。This thread supports fine-grain parallelism, actually, it is a" stateless " thread.

该机构同样估计,世界范围内约有1200万无国籍人士。The agency has also estimated that there are 12 million stateless people around the world.

强烈建议结合使用DML风格操作和无状态会话。It is strongly recommended that DML-style operations be used along with a stateless session.

在客户端仅仅请求资源时,采用无状态服务器实际上是更现实的。A stateless server is more realistic in practice when the client is only requesting resources.

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状态满或无状态,基于租期的对象生命周期管理State full or stateless, lease-based object lifetime management All method calls are stateless

莫迪实现的一项伟大成就。5万无国籍人士得到了国籍。干得好,继续保持。A great achievement of Modi. 50000 stateless people got their own states. Good going. Keep it up.

迁移自由,国内流离失所者,对难民的保护以及无国籍人d. Freedom of Movement, Internally Displaced Persons, Protection of Refugees, and Stateless Persons