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你有什么地方我能掐灭它?You got someplace I could put it out?

某些东西是什么,某些地方是哪里?What is the something? What is the someplace?

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他坐在班达亚齐的一个难民营里说,“我要离开这里,到一个比较安全的地方去,也许我能重新再来。”Going someplace safer. Maybe I can start again.

我今天去了个30年都没去过的地方。I was someplace today I haven't been in 30 years.

我们得把她安置到一个暖和的地方,”她说。And we need to get her someplace warm, " she said.

每年拜访一个你从未裹足的地方。One a year, go someplace you've never been before.

每年拜访一个您从未履足过的地方。Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.

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他们介于上面词意两个范畴之间。They fall someplace between the two categories above.

灵感可能从任何你想也想不到的地方喷薄而发。Inspiration might come from someplace you never imagined.

这里什么地方有一袋上面有你名字的大麻吗?Isn't there a bag of reefer someplace with your name on it?

借一只可爱的小狗,牵着它到有露天咖啡馆的地方去。Borrow a cute puppy and walk it someplace with sidewalk cafes.

我们今晚找个特别的地方为你庆生吧。Let's go someplace special tonight to celebrate your birthday.

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我想去北京周边的某个地方,一个很小的地方。I want to go to someplace near Beijing, somewhere really small.

但是,我实在不想穿得必恭必敬的赴那些大饭馆。But you know I don't feel like dressing up to go someplace fancy.

除了让他回到太子港,他现在去那里都行。He just wanted to go someplace other that back to Port-au-Prince.

稍后我会给你打电话,我们可以一起找个地方喝一杯”。I'll phone you later and we can have a drink together someplace".

这是那种你会在公共活动室碰到的那类妇女。This is the kind of woman you would pick up in a lobby someplace.

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你们听说过反转录酶吧Now you've heard about reverse transcriptase someplace before,right?

需要多少个基本内存块,然后我就得知下一个元素的位置了。And this would point to value, and this would point off someplace in memory.

有哪些专家啊,什么特长,介绍一下。不然都不知道会不会空跑一趟。If you don't know where you are going, you'll probably end up someplace else.