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我邀请你去阅读。I invite you to read.

邀请别人共进午餐。Invite people to lunch.

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有谁约请那团体了吗?Did anyone invite that guy?

我们邀请他们到清真寺。We invite them to the masjid.

为什么没请他进来?Why didn't you invite him in?

邀请朋友到家里做客吧。Invite friends in for a visit.

我邀请人来参加社团.I invite people to join our club.

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我们邀请您现在就开始试用!We invite you to try it out soon!

我们邀你共进午餐。We'd like to invite you to lunch.

这只会引起报复。This will only invite retaliation.

我能请你跳支舞吗?May I invite you to dance with me ?

或者邀请那个人一起吃顿午饭。Or invite the person out for lunch.

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我们来邀请马力来参加宴会?Shoul we invite Mary to the party ?

西交利物浦大学赛扶团队诚邀您的加入!We cordially invite you to join us!

邀请她徒步远足或者骑自行车。Invite her on a hike or a bike ride.

我们邀请张林和陈军一起去吧。Let's invite Zhang Lin and Chen Jun.

要请苏三参加舞会吗?Should we invite Susan to the party?

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我敬待任何女性来证明我错了。I invite any woman to prove me wrong!

我写此信的主要原因是想邀请你留下来。I'm writing is to invite you to stay.

喉咙太软,无法挑战刀剑。Throats are soft to invite the blade.