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草黄色俄罗斯战术背心M21。Russian Tactical Vest M21 in Olive Drab.

假定想要快些单调能够用电吹风。Assume that want faster drab can use hair dryer.

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在一个封闭的时间型曲线中,生活看来是很单调的。Life on a closed timelike curve seems pretty drab.

冒烟的矿内有许多土褐色的房子。There are many drab houses in the smoky mining town.

他们看起来像一批毫不起眼的碌碌庸才。They seemed to be a drab assortment of mediocrities.

在浓烟密布的矿区,有很多黄褐色的房子。There are many drab houses in the Smokey mining town.

天很漂亮,蓝蓝的,只是少了太阳就单调了。It was very beautiful, blue, minus the sun would drab.

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我们找到了一家死气沉沉的小餐馆。We found a drab little joint shoddily decorated for the holiday.

绝大多数恐龙化石都只是些土褐色的石化的骨头。Dinosaur fossils are mostly drab collections of mineralized bones.

火车穿过干线两侧风景单调乏味的地区,缓慢地向南驶去。The train moved slowly south through flat, drab main-line scenery.

但是,如果您的厨房看土褐色的一点,您要不要进入它?But if your kitchen looks little drab , would you like to enter it?

以前广阔的和有着无尽的绿色的幼发拉底河,现在也变得狭窄和单调起来。The Euphrates, once broad and endlessly green, is now narrow and drab.

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我意外地发现他住在如此单调而阴郁的环境中。I was surprised to find him living in such drab and cheerless surroundings.

还有一天我们在路上看到了一只鳄龟,这只乌龟一袭原始的草绿色盔甲。On another day we met a snapping turtle in his primordial olive drab armor.

从外面看,四面犬牙交错,不显呆板单调。Look from outside, all around interlocking, do not show inflexible and drab.

不过,他们一走,你住的地方也就更加灰暗空虚。Still, the place you live inis that much more drab and empty that they're gone.

确实,没有了你以往的享受,生活似乎毫无生机。Yes, life will seem a bit drab without some of the indulgences you are used to.

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西班牙2-1战胜了智利,葡萄牙却很神奇般地与巴西打了个平局。Spain beat Chile 2-1 while Portugal fought out a surprisingly drab draw with Brazil.

假如一生中你没有这样的称王称霸的时刻,该是多么乏味。If you have no such moment when you can be a queen, you will feel the life is so drab.

哈尔顿披上一件连帽斗篷,提利昂则脱下他的自制花衫换上单调灰暗的衣物。Haldon donned a hooded cloak, and Tyrion shed his homemade motley for something drab and grey.