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而陈冬则是首次参加载人飞行任务。Chen is making his first spaceflight.

他们又开始实施一项新的航天计划。They began to start on a new spaceflight plan.

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星城是太空飞行的诞生地。Zvyozdny Gorodok is the birthplace of spaceflight.

就这是航天领域的巾帼英雄。These are the heroines in the field of spaceflight.

这个努力是中国雄心勃勃的人类空间飞行计划的一部分。The effort is part of China's ambitious human spaceflight plans.

他对商业载人太空飞行界提出两个警讯。He had two warnings for the commercial human spaceflight community.

刚开始,商业航天飞行将吸引社会名流并占据头版头条。At first, commercial spaceflight will draw big names and big headlines.

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这种新材料是航天工业的副产品。The new material is the byproduct in the field of spaceflight industrial.

这个国家为什么再航天技术发展方面落在人家后面?。Why do the country's spaceflight technique development fall behind others?

这就是新生的商业空间飞行产业不尽如人意的现状。Such is the offbeat nature of the emerging commercial spaceflight industry.

他的第一次航天飞行双子星8号于1966年,为此他命令飞行员。His first spaceflight was Gemini 8 in 1966, for which he was the command pilot.

历史上的航天事故,绝大多数都发生在事先没有想到的那一点。Most of the spaceflight accidents happened where details were not thought of beforehand.

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空间时间生物学是载人航天事业催生的一门新学科。Space chronobiology is a new discipline born from the development of manned spaceflight.

这是第五次阿波罗载人航天计划,也是第三人类的探月旅行。It was the fifth human spaceflight of Project Apollo and the third human voyage to the Moon.

在我国的航空、航天有关部门也在大力开展HLA的研究、开发和应用推广。China's Department of aviation and spaceflight is striving to research, exploder, and generalize HLA.

介绍航天飞控软件系统的主要功能及其常规体系结构。The main functions and the usual architecture of spaceflight control software systems are introduced.

目的研究空间飞行及辐射对微藻光合系统的影响。Objective To study the effect of spaceflight and radiation on the photosynthetic system of microalgae.

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飞行器姿态一直是航天航空领域研究一大热点和难点问题。The altitude determination of spacecraft has always been a hot problem in spaceflight and aero aviation.

刊登在英国医学杂志上的一项研究概述了全科医师在商业航天领域中应该扮演的角色。A new study in the outlines the role that general practitioners will have to play in commercial spaceflight.

在休斯顿约翰逊太空中心,人类宇宙飞行计划的发源地,宇航员毫不值钱。At Houston's Johnson Space Center, the home for the human spaceflight program, astronauts are a dime a dozen.