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摧毁他们!刺穿他们!Gut them! Impale them!

别推我,要不我会用我的角顶你。Do not push me, or I wil impale you on my horns!

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逃离是没有用的,我的箭依然会穿透你的脑袋。Do not push me, or I wil impale you on my horns!

刺穿现在影响压制而非斩杀。Impale now affects Overpower instead of Execute.

研究人员观察到一只鸟把一只啮齿动物钉在一棵仙人掌上。Researchers observed one bird impale a rodent on a cactus.

那个残暴的国王过去常把犯人钉在尖尖的木桩上进行折磨。The cruel king used to impale his prisoners on sharp sticks.

逃离是没有用的,我的箭依然会穿透你的脑袋。Fleeing away is useless, my arrow will still impale your brain.

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不管利用什么能量,这些武器都可以轻松击穿任何单位。No matter where the power comes from this weapon can impale any unit.

这个装置很简单,用两片板子及一根钉子组成,钉子上穿根玉米棒。It's a simple device—two boards and a nail on which to impale a corncob.

伯劳一种鸟类,尤指伯劳,将其捕获物刺穿在树刺上。Any of various birds, especially the shrike, that impale their prey on thorns.

我射出的箭,没有一支到达任何有用的地方,尽管我确实有几次几乎刺穿我的半人半马老师。Not a single arrow I shot ever went anywhere useful, although I did nearly impale my centaur teacher a few times.

剧本里最初是让卢米娜拉将一个吉奥诺西斯人钉在一根断裂的钟乳石上,以此引出他们是不死的这一概念。The script originally had Luminara impale a Geonosian on a broken stalactite to introduce the idea of them being undead.

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是的,开着豪华跑车是众人的梦想。但豪华跑车也会着火,也会突然驶进池塘,引擎盖上的装饰物也会刺穿行人。Yes, they are dreams to drive, but they also can catch fire, veer into ponds or impale pedestrians on their hood ornaments.

毁灭打击旳伤害也受其他增加全局伤害以及致命一击奖励旳影响,比如谈激怒以及穿刺。Devastate damage is also affected by talents and abilities that increase overall damage or crit bons, sch as Enrage and Impale.

我射出的箭,没有一支到达任何有用的地方,尽管我确实有几次几乎刺穿我的半人半马老师。it fell from my hands. Not a single arrow I shot ever went anywhere useful, although I did nearly impale my centaur teacher a few times.