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我需要我弟弟帮我做到。I need my brother to oblige me.

贵族行为理应高尚的传统。The tradition of noblesse oblige.

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你能否赏脸和我跳一支华尔兹舞呢?Can you oblige me with a waltz dance?

请你为我关上门好么?Could you oblige me by closing the door?

借给我一点蓝墨水好吗?。Can you oblige me with a little blue ink?

法律要求他们依法行事。The law oblige them to act in right ways.

请把布朗式轻机枪给我们,好吗?Could You Please Oblige Us With A Bren Gun?

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敬请赐告你的姓名和地址好吗?。Will you oblige me with your name and address?

劳驾,你能给我换些零钱吗?Excuse me, could you oblige me with some change?

不外你要是肯赏我一个脸,那我就戴德不浅了。But if you could oblige me, I should take it as a kindness.

请你听我的话,回屋睡觉去吧。Please oblige me by returning to the house, and going to bed.

所以无奈之下,航空公司只得在原有的商标上加了一个点。The airline had to oblige by adding one more dot in the logo.

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她没有觉得这个请求很唐突并且乐意帮我。She didn’t think this was an odd request and was happy to oblige me.

阿切尔先生,劳驾你先看一遍这些文件好吗?Will you oblige me, Mr. Archer, by first looking through these papers?

坐在教室里,很多时候都必须参加考试。You are sitting in classrooms that in many cases oblige you to take exams.

摊贩主很开心,他把两个热狗都包了起来。Thee vendor was only too pleased to oblige and he wrapped both hot dogs in foil.

报纸,杂志,电视和互联网的不断报道迫使我们接受这些东西。Newspapers, magazines, TV and the Internet oblige us by constantly reporting the stuff.

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他可能还希望过从波兰来的消息能迫使瑞典人撤军。He may have hoped that news just arrived from Poland might oblige the Swedes to withdraw.

既然我这么受欢迎,而且我本身又喜欢说汉语,所以总是满足他们的要求。I always oblige them since I am a people-person and also because I enjoy speaking Chinese.

夫人,能否请您赏脸为我们私下唱一段呢?I wonder, Signora, if, as a personal favour, you would oblige us with a private rendition?