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性感,性感,非常的性感。Sexy. Sexier.

那是性感的。That is sexy.

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你这性感的家伙。You sexy thang.

那些等于性感。That equals sexy.

那真是件性感的洋装!That's a sexy dress!

想要性感的长腿吗?Want long sexy legs?

你觉得她性感吗?Do you find her sexy?

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自负并不性感。Arrogance is not sexy.

男性的腋窝的味道很性感。Male armpit sex is sexy.

性感的南子的复仇!" Sexy Nan-ja"s revenge!

它娴静端庄却又性感十足。It's demure yet very sexy.

我们都知道你姓感!We all know you are sexy !

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他的声音超性感的嘞!!!He has such a SEXY voice! ! !

我可是原汁原味的性感尤物。I am the original sexy beast.


性感明星和他们的狗狗。Sexy Stars and Their Sidekicks!

电脑当然可以是性感的。A computer absolutely can be sexy.

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她穿着那件露背上衣看起来很性感。She looks sexy in that halter top.

会做菜的男人真的很性感。A man that can cook is really sexy.

你认为我的女同伙不性感?You dont think my girlfriends sexy?