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风暴毁坏了他们的房屋。The windstorm blew down their houses.

树木全被风暴刮倒了。The trees were all overthrown by the windstorm.

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所以,当比尔看见了那样的暴风时,来了一个主意。So when Bill saw the windstorm , he got an idea.

这就是暴风影音的前身。The predecessor that this is windstorm image sound.

但是不一会儿,湖上起了一场大风暴。But after awhile a big windstorm blew onto the lake.

飓风和其它风暴保险情况因不同的州,有时候甚至是郡而不同。Hurricane and other windstorm insurance varies by state and sometimes by county.

暴风影音CEO冯鑫表示,暴风也是受害者之一。Feng Xin of CEO of windstorm image sound expresses, windstorm also is one of victims.

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由于天灾,所有的海上船只都必须撤回,以避免将要带来的暴风雨。Due to Act of God , all the ships on sea are forced to withdraw to avoid the upcoming windstorm.

在国际青年艺术节获金奖的“洪荒风雪”就是在这一时期创作的。His painting Windstorm in Wastel and won the Golden award in an International Youth art Festival.

在两千年五月七,风暴摧毁了一个龙卷风的格林,堪萨斯城最。In May of two thousand seven, a tornado windstorm destroyed most of the town of Greensburg, Kansas.

霜冻、干旱、涝灾和风灾是造成玉米带产量年际波动的主要原因。Frost, drought, waterlogging and windstorm are the main factors which caused maize yield fluctuation.

让你血糖猛增的一餐会使你像暴风中的垂柳一样。A meal that raises blood sugar fast and furiously can leave you dragging like a willow in a windstorm.

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于是我们忽略了皎洁的月光,急急忙忙做好风暴来临前的一切准备。Therefore, we neglect the bright moonlight and hurry up to be well prepared for the windstorm beforehand.

本次网络故障造成多家网站受到影响,暴风公司也是受害者之一。This second network breakdown causes much home website to be affected, windstorm company also is one of victims.

看来想在行星上找到地外生命的希望已如火星的尘土一般随风而逝了。It appeared that our best hope for finding life on another planet had blown away like dust in a Martian windstorm.

当我们大睁着眼睛枕戈待旦之时,风暴却像迟归的羊群,不知在哪里徘徊。When we are all set for the battle, the windstorm is like the flock of sheep which is still loitering and late to come back.

官方说,星期六太平洋西北风恢复成暴风雨致50万人断电。The Pacific Northwest was on Saturday recovering from a violent windstorm as about 500,000 remained without power, officials said.

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一天,来了一场可怕的风暴,轮船开始碎裂,鲁宾孙和他的朋友们立即为求生而与愤怒的大海抗争。One day , a terrible windstorm came and the ship began to crack. Robinson and his friends immediately fought with the roaring sea in order to live on.

有些州,包括阿拉巴马州,佛罗里达州,佐治亚州,路易斯安娜州,密西西比州,北卡罗来纳州,南卡罗来纳州和得克萨斯州,都为那些无法获得私人公司保单的人提供风暴灾害保险。Several states, including Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas, offer windstorm coverage pools for people who can't get private coverage.

由于缺少定位仪,漫天风雪中救援人员根本找不到他们的位置,这意味着风如果不停他们就没有获救的希望。Because no GPS was available, it was totally impossible for the succors to locate them in such a blizzard, which meant that it was hopeless for them to get rescued unless the windstorm calmed down.