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四点,音乐厅的咖啡馆好吧?Now what about the Odeon cafe. Four o'clock?

阿迪库斯音乐厅,雅典卫城,雅典,希腊。Odeon of Herodes Atticus, The Acropolis, Athens, Greece.

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如果我没有奥德翁的长廊,我也许会喜欢美洲的草原吧。The pampas of America would please me if I had not the arcades of the Odeon.

电影之家,栩栩如生电影院和国宾的一些最佳逛公园的城市。The Film House, the Cameo Cinema and the Odeon are some of the best movie houses in the city.

据悉,此项协议于该片在该院线旗下伦敦莱斯特广场帝国剧院举行全球首映当日达成。The agreement came on the day of the film's world premiere at London's Leicester Square Odeon.

有一次,我在奥德翁戏院的走廊下面读报纸,忽然看见您走过。I thought I saw you pass once, while I was reading the newspapers under the arcade of the Odeon.

不,这个记录奇怪的是在法国国宾标签的上半部分粘贴标签。No, the odd thing about this record is the label pasted on the upper half of the French Odeon label.

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第一次看夺宝奇兵,是我11岁的时候和我最好的朋友在纽卡斯尔的剧场里看的。I first saw Raiders of the Lost Ark when I was 11 years old with my best mate at the Odeon in Newcastle.

在一次电影首映式上,卡米拉的黑色上衣完美地搭配了这条银色长裙。Camilla wore a black and silver gown for the world gala film premiere of 'These Foolish Things', at the Odeon Kensington.

瑞克一直紧盯着地狱猫,而凯伦正在对另一只无机兽进行射击零位调整,那只奥迪昂兽正围着火堆旁的孩子们兜圈。Rick got the Hellcat in his sights even while Karen was zeroing in on another Inorganic, an Odeon that had been circling toward the children by the fire pit.

今天,上海召开“2007世界特殊奥林匹克夏季运动会交通行业动员大会”,为“特奥会”服务的奔驰、奥迪等一批高档“国宾车”正式登场亮相。Today, Shanghai, "2007 Special Olympics World Summer Games transport industry conference" to "Special Olympics" of Mercedes-Benz, Audi and other luxury "cars Odeon" formally next week.