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我是不可知论者。I was an agnostic.

不可知论者即是怀疑论者。An agnostic is a doubter.

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他是一名无神论者,她则基本上是不可知论者。He's an atheist, she pretty much agnostic.

爱因斯坦是个不可知论者。Einstein himself was spinositical agnostic.

我提到过,洛克是个不可知论者。I have mentioned that Locke was very agnostic.

天主教徒对于新教教义来说,是不可知论者。Catholics are agnostic to the Protestant creeds.

过去几年来,我真可说成了一个不可知论者。The past few years I've really become an agnostic.

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它们还应该对上游层中的流程不可知。They should also be agnostic of the processes in the upstream layers.

每个流程应该不知道上游层中的流程。Each process should be agnostic of the processes in the upstream layers.

我的中医师是个非信徒,我告诉他,他应该要感谢上帝创造了我们。I told my doctor who is an agnostic that he should be glad God created us.

我实在不知道是否该说是“不可知论者”或“无神论者”。I never know whether I should say "Agnostic" or whether I should say "Atheist".

过去对本病缺乏认识,常误诊为胆道蛔虫病。This disease was often agnostic and misdiagnosed biliary ascariasis in the past.

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一旦涉及到CLR顶端的技术,框架设计规范就是不可知的。The Framework Design Guidelines are agnostic when it comes to technology on top of the CLR.

为了支持这种混合架构,我们需要不依赖于平台的通讯方式。In order to support such a hybrid architecture platform agnostic communications were needed.

他的同事最后出来澄清事实,可是他还是不相信他们,还把他们叫做不可知论者。His colleagues eventually came clean, but he refused to believe them and called them agnostic.

这对我来说是新鲜的,因为我以前跟父亲一样,都是不可知论者,我并无接触过基要派。It was all new to me because, like my father, I was an agnostic and had not heard of fundamentalism.

希尔瓦里人对人类的诸神抱着不可知的态度,希望能看到众神存在的证据和他们的神迹。The sylvari have an agnostic view of the Human Gods, wishing to see proof of gods' existence and work.

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你听说过诵读困难者,不可知论失眠症患者吗?哦知道,他整完不睡觉都在想世界上到底有没有“狗”的存在。Did you hear about the dyslexic, agnostic insomniac? He stayed up all night wondering if there was a dog.

GDS具有商业上的不可知性——他们不该关心产品搜索结果的反馈顺序。GDS is commercially agnostic – they shouldn’t care which products are returned first to a product search query.

我觉得他们愚昧,缺乏想像力,漠视他人的痛苦,很容易变成无知者和不可知者。I find them stupid, unimaginative, indifferent to the suffering of others, and conveniently ignorant and agnostic.