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蜜蜂的车把。Accessible to thill of bee.

残疾人可以畅达你吗?。Are you handicap accessible?

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我要通过提前定义好的方法。It's there accessible to me.

但是对大众来说晦涩难懂。But not accessible to most people.

顶甲板的消防栓够不着。Hydrants in top deck not accessible.

顶甲板的消防栓够不着。Hydrants sin top deck not accessible.

可由南湾道前往。It is accessible from South Bay Road.

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这座岛只能坐船去。The island is accessible only by boat.

这所房子汽车开不到跟前。The house is not accessible by motor-car.

俓理应该使职员感到泙易近亽。A manger should be accessible to his staff.

这个城镇只有搭船或飞机才到得了。The town is only accessible by boat or air.

熟悉的模式是迄今为止访问。Familiarizing models are thus far accessible.

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下载点也许不总是有效。Download locations may not always be accessible.

普通车辆可使用泥路前往油棕园边境。The dirt road is accessible by normal sedan car.

这个村庄乘汽车或小船都可以轻松到达。The village is easily accessible by car or boat.

另外有两个简单,方便的按钮控制面板。Simple, easily accessible two-button control panel.

此外,该房屋轮椅可以直接进出。In addition, the building is wheel-chair accessible.

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放在2舱的手提式灭火器够不着。Portable extinguishers in hold No. 2 not accessible.

这个恬静的小镇只能靠船才能到达。The small idylic village is only accessible by boat.

所有这些配件应清楚易见并易于取得。All fittings shall be plainly visible and accessible.