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这是血液学杂志的网站。This is the web page of the Hematology Journal.

这是上海血液学研究所的网站。This is the website of Shanghai Institute of Hematology.

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目的对血液科护士针刺伤现状进行描述。Object Description of nurses' needle injury in hematology department.

美国社会中的血细胞的过大,其血液中的会议本周末。The American Society of Hematology 's having its big blood meeting this weekend.

中华医学会血液分会血栓与止血学组。Hemostasis and Thrombosis Group, Hematology Society, Chinese Medical Association.

克里门森大学家禽学系。系讯,家禽血液学计划。Poultry Science Department, Clemson University. Departmental Information, Avian Hematology program.

文章内容研究长期单采血浆生理指标和免疫的变化。Long-term machine collection of plasma to observe the effects of hematology indicatrix and immunity.

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结论新鲜全血可以替代校准品在多系列血液分析仪上应用。Conclusion Fresh whole blood can be used to substitute for the calibrator on series hematology analyzes.

中国中医研究院广安门医院分子生物学研究室。National Laboratory of Experimental Hematology, Hematology Institute, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.

目的研究长期单采血浆生理指标和免疫的变化。Objective Long-term machine collection of plasma to observe the effects of hematology indicatrix and immunity.

结论XE-2100血液分析仪的性能较好,能较好地满足临床血液常规的检验要求。Conclusion The performance of the Sysmex XE-2100 automated hematology analyzer is adequate for clinical demand.

结论血液分析仪的校准应使用配套的校准物或可靠定值的新鲜血。Conclusion The recommended calibrator or the fresh blood is used to do the calibration for Hematology analyzer.

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这48例主要来自重症监护病房、新生儿病房、外科病房和血液病房。Most of 48 cases of bacteremia were from intensive care units, neonatal ward, surgeon wards and hematology ward.

目的对XE-2100血液分析仪常用参数进行稳定性观察和评估。Objective To observe and evaluate the stability of blood routine test parameters of XE-2100 hematology analyzer.

主要介绍BC-5500全自动血液细胞分析仪的正确使用和常见故障的排除经验。Describes the experience of correct operation and common troubleshooting for BC-5500 automatic hematology analyzer.

目的调查血液科铜绿假单胞菌血流感染流行病学的情况。OBJECTIVE To explore the condition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bloodstream infections in the department of hematology.

目的了解ADVIA120型全自动血液分析仪对细胞形态异常提示功能的可靠性。Objective To study the reliability of the function of ADVIA120 automatic hematology analyzer on abnormal shape of cells.

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瑞博赛血球试剂产品在2010年的洛阳和石家庄地区相关项目上中标。Rebcell company become the successful tenderer for the hematology reagents projects in Luoyang and Shijiazhuang area in 2010.

这个合作是由中国医学科学院天津血液学研究所和血液病医院牵头。The deal was struck with the Institute of Hematology and Blood Diseases Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Tianjin.

2008年瑞博赛血球试剂产品分别在北京地区,河南商丘地区,河北石家庄地区中标。Rebcell company become the successful tenderer for the hematology reagents projects in Beijing, Henan and Shijiazhuang area in 2008.