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鲍尔在铁路上工作了四十年以后退休了。Ball bowed out after 40 years of railroading.

王先生觉得他老闆对他不公平。Mr. Wang thought his boss was railroading him.

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我说铁路运输问题是克服不了的。I say the railroading problem is insurmountable.

当他还是孩子的时候,在他那些朋友的做铁路工人的父亲的鼓励下,他就对铁路工作非常有热情。As a boy he had a passion for railroading , encouraged by friends' fathers who were rail workers.

所得结论对今后高纬度多年冻土区铁路建设具有重要的参考价值及指导意义。The conclusion was instructive and might be a reference to railroading in high latitude permafrost.

该成套技术反映我国九十年代在复杂地质条件下铁路建设水平。This package reflects China′s technologies of 90′s for railroading under complicated geographical conditions.

原来,在全国各地的铁路建设的鼎盛时期,摄制队在冬季的盐用来传播。Turns out that in the heyday of railroading all over the nation, crews used to spread salt in the wintertime.

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大力开展铁路建设是实施西部大开发,促进西部经济发展的重要条件。Energetically railroading development is important promoting condition of west exploitation and economic development.

他在银行建设和交通建设的过程中,实践了他的利用外资思想和社会救济思想。During the growth of thoughts of bank and railroading , he developed thoughts of using foreign capital and social security.

高速铁路对路基沉降的要求十分严格,地基沉降是路基沉降的重要部分。Foundation settlement, which plays an essential role in subgrade settlement, is highly concerned in high-speed railroading.

随着我国铁路建设进入快速发展时期,对铁路安全运输提出了更高的要求,建立铁路异物侵限监测系统显得很有必要。As Chinese railroading is developing rapidly, more demands for safe railway transportation has been presented, and it is completely necessary to build a railway's rockfall monitoring system.

随着我国铁路建设的发展,列车运行速度不断提高,铁路噪声的污染备受关注,亟待解决。With the development of railroading in China, trains keeps speeding up for a long time. As a result, noise pollution from trains wins much attention and becomes a problem to be resolved urgently.