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我要有条纹的那个。I 'd like the striped one.

老虎身上有条纹,而豹有花斑。A tiger has a striped coat.

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她坐在一把条纹伞下。She sat under a striped umbrella.

他是一只真正的虎斑猫。He was a great tiger- striped cat.

养着一个,肥了吧唧,浑身条纹,橙色的孩子。Of a very fat, striped , orange child.

有一张靠墙放着的有条纹的沙发。There is a striped sofa along the wall.

他身著条纹睡衣裤坐在那儿。He was sitting there in striped pyjamas.

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拐棍糖开始的时候只是根白色的棍状糖果。The stick of candy was striped with red.

缟臭鼬,缟臭鼬,你看到了什么?。Striped Skunk, Striped Skunk, what do you see?

冲向那些牵牛花条纹勇士们!Pound those petunias, you striped stem-suckers!

不仅老虎的毛发有着条纹状图案,老虎的皮肤也有条纹状图案呢。Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.

绿白条纹泡泡纱长裙。Long dress in green and white striped seersucker.

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它可以和条纹衫以及双排扣大衣搭配。Pair them with a striped shirt and a trench coat.

掌心牛二层皮手套,彩条背,针织罗口。Cow leather gloves, striped cotton back, knit wrist.

中央大教堂由年代久远的条纹大理石建成。The Duomo was made of ancient striped marble, and St.

在比尔镇石滩上的条纹躺椅和洗澡小屋Striped deckchairs and bathing huts on pebbled Beer beach.

他的堂妹是那个穿着蓝裤子和条纹衬衣的女孩。His cousin is the girl in the blue pants and striped shirt.

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这是我从他们领章上的红白条纹看出来的。I identify them by their red and white striped collar mark.

我喜欢素色衬衫、条形领带和传统的黑鞋。I like plain shirts, striped ties, and regular black shoes.

当时我正坐在屋外一个蓝白相间的帆布躺椅上。I was sitting outside in a blue-and-white striped deckchair.