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官方语言是阿而巴尼亚语。The official language is Albanian.

会议被阿尔巴尼亚的领土收复主义者所中断。The meeting is disrupted by Albanian irredentist.

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您觉得今天的阿尔巴尼亚的文学怎样?What do you see happening in Albanian literature today?

安全官员说,塞族人随后点燃了两家阿族人的商店。Security officials said Serbs then set two Albanian shops alight.

阿尔巴尼亚烹饪风格包括从阿尔巴尼亚国家周边引进的当地的菜式。Albanian cuisine consists of local dishes from around the country of Albania.

2004年,我读了一篇关于阿尔巴尼亚儿童卷入血仇事件的文章。In 2004, I read an article about Albanian children being caught up in blood feuds.

如果没有其他的事,在他的回忆录里关于阿尔巴尼亚的译文会使其成为一本畅销书。And if nothing else, the Albanian translation of his memoirs is sure to be a best-seller.

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阿尔巴尼亚的文学像其它自由国家的文学一样,在正常发展着。Albanian literature is developing normally, like the literature of any other free country.

有些人甚至可能开始要问了,为什么阿尔巴尼亚民族要被分裂为两个国家。Some people may even start to ask why the Albanian nation should be split between two states.

塞尔维亚和黑山联盟南部城市,位于贝尔格勒西南偏南,与阿尔巴尼亚接壤。A city of southern Serbia and Montenegro south-southwest of Belgrade near the Albanian border.

此次访问中,我将专门提出邀请阿尔巴尼亚记者访华。During the visit, I will specially extend an invitation to Albanian journalists to visit China.

据报道,事发矿是奥地利全资的阿尔巴尼亚铬矿公司。According to reports, the incident of mine is a wholly-owned Austrian company Albanian chrome ore.

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失去实质形体的伏地魔潜伏在阿尔巴尼亚的丛林深处,躲开仍在搜寻他的敖罗。Voldemort lurks deep in an Albanian forest, concealing himself from the Aurors still searching for him.

2011年8月4日,中国外交部长杨洁篪在地拉那会见了阿尔巴尼亚总统托皮。On August 4, 2011, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi met with Albanian President Bamir Topi in Tirana.

他说他想学习阿尔巴尼亚语,但最终他发现这太难了,不会阿语的话,在普里施蒂纳会感觉很不自在。He says he tried to learn Albanian but found it too hard. Without it he feels uncomfortable going to Pristina.

但是当他们能够找到一个阿尔巴尼亚女孩保管枪,就像等待一只母鸡孵出小枪一样,他们有岂能浪费了这把枪呢?But why waste a good gun when they could find an Albanian girl to sit on it like a hen until it hatched baby guns?

在欧洲一体的要求下,新政府有一名阿尔巴尼亚人担任国防部长和副总理。The new government has an Albanian minister of defence and deputy prime minister in charge of European integration.

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美国之音阿尔巴尼亚站那时给我提供了我需要的麦克风,通过这个麦克风我达到了我的目的。Voice of America’s Albanian Service then provided me with the microphone I needed, and through it I reached my goal.

在阿尔巴尼亚村民被驱逐之后,美国B52轰炸机的轰击迫使塞尔维亚在1999年投降。American B52 bombers blasted the Serbs into submission here in 1999 after the Albanian villagers had been driven out.

周一,欧洲主要大国和美国在阿尔巴尼亚裔领导人宣布从塞尔维亚独立后一天承认科索沃为独立国。S. recognized Kosovo on Monday, a day after the province's ethnic Albanian leaders declared independence from Serbia.