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我敢打赌,它们一定会在儿科病房里大受欢迎的。I’ll bet they’re a big hit in the pediatric ward.

请叫妇产科住院医师速到抢救室来。Please call a pediatric resident to the operation room.

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儿科患者的脱机和拔管准备。Weaning and extubation readiness in pediatric patients.

小儿遗尿症是儿科常见病。Enuresis is a common pediatric diseases in children. Dr.

有一些医院甚至开设了儿科肾结石专科门诊。Some hospitals have opened pediatric kidney stone clinics.

有能处小儿科创伤的救护。Demonstrate ability to direct pediatric trauma resuscitations.

这个研究发表在儿科过敏反应和免疫学杂志上。The research is in the journal Pediatric Allergy and Immunology.

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张金哲是我国小儿外科的创始人之一。Zhang Jinzhe is one of the founders of pediatric surgery in China.

赫尔希医生用三联疗法来治疗儿童病人。Dr. Hershey treats pediatric patients with a three-pronged approach.

一个儿科护士的鞋会不能显得出众,但会有很多口水。A pediatric nurse's shoes may lack the shine, but they have the spit.

全国一半的儿科内分泌专家也加入了那个浪潮中。Half the nation's pediatric endocrinologists participated in that fad.

目的探讨胸腺肽治疗小儿病毒性心肌炎的疗效。Objective To explore the effect of thymosin on pediatric viral myocarditis.

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儿科的医院药的日益增多的领域的概述被包括。An overview of the growing field of pediatric hospital medicine is included.

目的探讨大肠镜在小儿外科的应用。Objective To investigate the application of colonoscopy in pediatric surgery.

目标市场是全世界儿科和齿科。The target market is pediatric and general dental clinics all over the world.

一个我注册的建筑指导儿科医疗室。With a single I registered by building instructions to pediatric medical room.

本研究公布在儿童外科杂志的一月份的杂志上。The study is published in the January issue of the Journal of Pediatric Surgery.

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结论小儿OHCA发生率低、病死率高、预后差。Conclusion The pediatric OHCA had low incidence, high mortality and poor outcome.

护士和六个月的婴儿在列宁格勒的国家儿科医学研究所里。Nurse with a six month old baby at State Pediatric Medical Institute in Leningrad.

但是,酮类治疗儿童癫痫发作却获得了广泛认可。But when it comes to keto's impact on pediatric seizures, there is wide acceptance.