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清水是她的保镖,一旦出现问题,便由他出面解决。Shimizu is her bodyguard and will move in if there are problems.

一色清水红砖,墙角装饰花纹凸现。Isshiki Shimizu red brick, corner decorative patterns highlighted.

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清水公司甚至有一个把建设太阳能电厂的物资运到月球上的宏伟计划。Shimizu even has a grand plan for bringing the resources for the solar plant to the moon.

清水正孝在记者会上没有提及第5和第6号反应堆的未来命运。Masataka Shimizu at the press conference did not mention 5 and No. 6 reactor's future fate.

东京电力公司总裁清水正孝已被送往医院接受治疗,血压高,头晕的痛苦。Tepco's president Masataka Shimizu has been admitted to hospital, suffering from high blood pressure and dizziness.

曾有计划推荐在日本东京湾建造一个巨大的金字塔,即清水金字塔巨型城市。The Shimizu Mega-City Pyramid was a proposed project for construction of a massive pyramid over Tokyo Bay in Japan.

东电社长清水正孝身处外地,打算从名古屋搭军用飞机返回福岛。East Power President Masataka Shimizu living overseas, intend to take military aircraft to return from Nagoya Fukushima.

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据东京电力公司的一名高管说,次日,也就是3月16日,清水正孝开始感觉不舒服,不过他选择呆在公司。The next day, March 16, Mr. Shimizu began feeling ill but chose to stay at the company, according to a Tepco official. Mr.

最后,用清水洗净脸上剩余的剃须膏,再用毛巾擦干脸。Final , wash the in the face surplus's clean with Shimizu to shave the beard to lubricate, use towel to wipe face dry again.

她说如果自己没有和第一任丈夫、演员强尼·李·米勒结婚的话可能会和女演员清水珍妮结婚。She said she would probably have married the actress Jenny Shimizu if she hadn’t married her first husband Jonny Lee Miller, the actor.

马萨罗决定在日本清水鼓动安度职业生涯晚年,俱乐部感到有必要签下一名新前锋。Following Daniele Massaro's decision to finish his career in Japan, at Shimizu S-Pulse, the club management felt necessary to sign a new forward.

东电处理核灾难手法劣评如潮,社长清水正孝和董事长胜俣恒久有意辞职。Way to deal with nuclear disasters East power barrage of criticisms, Masataka Shimizu president and chairman of Minamata wins permanent intention to resign.

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他们跟随这对情侣沿着大街一直走,在人群中穿梭,冲过红灯,保持既不会引起怀疑又不影响清水拍摄的适当距离。They follow the couple down the street, dodging the crowds and sprinting across red lights, keeping far enough behind so as not to arouse suspicion but close enough so that Shimizu can film.