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我学着修改写的东西。I was learning to rewrite.

我以前从没在修改组工作过。I was never in the Rewrite Squad.

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改写后的方案由两个项目组成。Two projects make up the rewrite.

不要急于更新你的简历,重新读读它。Don't update your resume, rewrite it.

我提供你的源材料改写。I provide you source material to rewrite.

这意味着我们可以重写出效率。So that means we can rewrite this efficiency.

现在是地理学家们改写地理教科书的时候了。It is now the geographers' job to rewrite theirs.

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SWTBot目前在进行第三次重写。SWTBot in its current state is the third rewrite.

可以再简写成Q1I can rewrite that a little bit more simply as Q1.

在重写查询时,可以应用某些试探法。Certain heuristics can be applied in query rewrite.

虽然大部分的内容会重写。NET, although this will constitute a major rewrite.

接着,该语句要经过一个重写阶段。Next, the statement goes through the rewrite phase.

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请将五戒改写成「禁止式」。Please rewrite the Five Commandments in prohibitions.

原来仅需一次小小的重写就可以实现这一点。It turns out with a tiny rewrite this can be achieved.

我已经重写了最后两段以使它更好。I’d rewrite the last two paragraphs to make it better.

与旧有代码集成,避免重新编写。Integrate with existing legacy code to avoid a rewrite.

用正常语序改写下列倒装句。Rewrite the inverted sentences using normal word order.

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学生需从所阅读的故事中,择一改写为儿童英语剧本。Students are required to rewrite one story into a play.

我把它代入到这个表达式然后展开And I'm going to rewrite it now with that P expanded out.

但它确实不要求重写整个应用程序。It does not, however, mandate a whole application rewrite.