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孩子们仍在肮脏的环境中生活。The children still live in squalor.

在这个肮脏破败的地方居住着不为人注意的城市下层阶级。An inconspicuous urban underclass lives in squalor.

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带着追富梦想的非洲人,去往欧洲,找到的仅仅是肮脏和鄙陋。Chasing Riches From Africa to Europe and Finding Only Squalor

城镇公所维护城邑法律和秩序,同时减少城邑脏乱程度。Town Hall helps maintain law and order, as well as reduce squalor.

像他居住的肮脏环境一样,它们与他从前的生活形成鲜明对比。Like the squalor he lived in, they were protests against a former life.

在另外一边是渔村,那个村子里的人活在粪坑中。On the other side is afisherman's village, where people live in the worst squalor.

肉蛆,污秽,积垢,湿粪,粘液,熔渣,沙砾,尘垢,油烟,残渣,灰尘,污泥,肮脏邋遢。GRUB, filth, grime, muck, gunk, slag, grit, grunge, smut, dross, dust, sludge, squalor.

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但她所目睹的情况——充满天赋的聪明孩子生活在肮脏透顶的环境中——还是使她大吃一惊。But what she saw — bright kids full of potential living in terrible squalor — shocked her.

他说大多数阿富汗的冲突源自“每日进行的肮脏的战争”。And he says most of the conflict in Afghanistan results from the "everyday squalor of war".

你会对美或丑习以为常,对一棵树的美或者路面的肮脏习以为常。One can get used to beauty or to ugliness—to the beauty of a tree or to the squalor of the road.

一些失败国家只有满目的贫困和肮脏的政治,只是地理意义上的存在。Some weak states are simply geographical aspirations on a map, filled with destitution and squalor.

人口稠密的城市地区,以低于法定标准的住房和贫穷为特征。经常使用复数。A heavily populated urban area characterized by substandard housing and squalor. Often used in the plural.

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当看到我的同类生活在悲惨、污秽和贫困当中时,怎么来为自己辩护?How could justify this, after seeing how my fellow human beings were living, in squalor or filth, and poverty?

而对许多人而言,摆在他们面前的选择要么是在农村过着挨饿的生活,要么就是住在城镇肮脏的角落并到处寻求工作。The choice, for many, is going hungry in the countryside or finding a job while living in squalor in the towns.

牙齿、肤色和着装,一切都令人想起今日波兰的繁荣,而非1945年的贫穷与饥饿。Teeth, complexions and clothes all evoke the prosperous Poland of today more than the squalor and hunger of 1945.

因为它似乎过于荒谬不采取任何通知,肮脏的神圣的东西时,它是不得体的,即使在世俗的东西。For it seems too absurd to take no notice of squalor in sacred things when it is unbecoming even in profane things.

北京开放广大的农村让外国人参访,也显示中国与日俱增的自信。Beijing's call on foreigners to get a look at Chinese farmers living in squalor is also a sign of China's growing self-assurance.

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这句很奇怪,我理解是“他描绘了俄罗斯人生活正被烤面包、乘火车长途旅行中的艳遇和破烂的火车站所改变。”He captures the way Russians are transformed by toasts, the romance of long-distance train rides and the squalor of train stations.

中世纪或许不由得会令人在脑海中产生肮脏、贫穷及瘟疫的印象,但值得注意的是,中世纪也创设了一个反资本主义的社会。It may conjure up images of dirt, squalor and plague, but the middle ages also created a society that was, remarkably, anti-capitalist.

工业革命所形成的贫民区脏乱现象,引发了现代的城市规画和改建运动。Modern urban planning and redevelopment arose in response to the disorder and squalor of the slums created by the Industrial Revolution.