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根据传说,他杀死了米诺托在克里特岛迷宫。According to legend, he killed the Minotaur in the Cretan labyrinth.

毕卡索在自己设计的迷宫内是画布上的人身牛头怪。He was the Minotaur in a canvas-and-paper labyrinth of his own construction.

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营救美丽的公主阿里阿德涅,使她脱离可怕的弥诺陶洛斯的世界。Rescue the beautiful princess Ariadna and rid the world of the fearsome Minotaur.

王子忒修斯需要您的帮助拯救公主阿莉亚多尼。Prince Theseus needs your help to rescue the Princess Ariadne from the claws of the Minotaur.

先从制作头部开始吧,使用的方法和刚才建那只牛头怪的方法是一样的。First I took upon modelling the woman's head. Using the same technique as I used in the Minotaur.

现在,她骄傲的接受了这个名字,因为这只“高原野生白山羊”抢劫牛头怪商人的数量超过其他受害者。Now she accepts the name proudly because this mountain goat has robbed more minotaur merchants than anyone.

他走了,在克里特公主阿瑞安得妮的帮助下,他杀死了半人半牛的怪物并带着公主一同返回。He went, and with the help of princess Ariadne of Crete, he killed the Minotaur and carried the Princess with him on his way back.

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为了杀死怪物,使同胞们免遭更大的悲痛,特修斯决定作为被选送牺牲品的一员前往克里特。Determined to kill the Minotaur and save his people from further grief, Theseus decided to go as one of the fourteen chosen victims.

古希腊神话中,英雄忒修斯在克里特公主阿里阿德涅的帮助下,杀死了怪物米诺陶洛斯,用一个线团破解了迷宫,找到了来时的路。In Greek mythology, the heroTheseus killed the monster Minotaur and broke maze by using a ball of string to find the way he came with the help of Princess Ariadne.

作为一个牛头怪角斗士,安骓亚凭借其金属丝般的力量和极端的诡诈赢得过一些胜利,但她知道自己很快就会被某个更加强大的男性杀死。Andria earned some success as a minotaur gladiator due to her wiry strength and great cunning but she knew she would soon perish to one of the larger bulkier males.

本文通过“毕加索的新古典主义”、“怪物和米诺陶”和“画家——雕塑家”三个部分论述了毕加索的古典倾向及受到的来自希腊艺术的影响。By using the Neo-classical period, Monster and Minotaur and Painter- Sculptor, this article discusses Picassos classical tendency and the influence from ancient Greek art.