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我不忍心使你失望,但你取胜的机会实际上等于零。I hate to disillusion you,but your chances of winning are practically zero.

她依然相信有圣诞老人,要使她这一幻想破灭还真于心不忍。She still believes in Santa Claus and it would be creel to disillusion her.

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我不忍心使你失望,但你取胜的机会实际上等于零。I hate to disillusion you, but your chances of winning are practically zero.

他的孤独和幻灭感是这次在饭店里出事的一个原因。His loneliness and disillusion had been a cause of the incident in the hotel.

人本主义的幻灭--谈张爱玲小说创作中对爱的解析。The disillusion of humanism --the analysis of love in zhang ai-ling's writings.

这样一个使全部幻想消失的鲜明对比白丽莱茜实在弄不懂。The stark disillusion of such a sharp contrast was too much for Benerice to comprehend.

在那些光秃秃的就业数字背后是整个世界的焦虑和幻灭。There is a whole world of anxiety and disillusion behind those bald employment figures.

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“别给我浇冷水啊,”丝凯说,贪婪而不怎么温文地嚼着涂了黄油的烤面包。"Don't disillusion me, " said Kath, chewing buttered toast more greedily than genteelly.

传统观点认为,“七年”是婚姻的一个坎,结婚到了这个年头,爱情渐渐变淡,取而代之的是幻想的破灭和失望。Seven-years has traditionally been the time when love and affection give way to disillusion and disappointment.

他写李、杨月宫重圆的虚幻,无疑寄托了自己人生失意的空幻之感。The descriptive illusion of Li and Yang's reunion at Lunar Palace indicates his disillusion about earthly life.

所谓的历史在这一个瞬间凝结了,那些穿越时空的笑厣和群星幻灭的悲怆在此时汇集成了一首流传的哀歌。The history congealed at that moment, the deranged dimple and the disillusion depression were combinated into one dirge.

即便建立了民主,系统的罅隙也让人见之心忧,然后民主就随政治失序而幻灭。Even in established democracies, flaws in the system have become worryingly visible and disillusion with politics is rife.

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选民的失望情绪已经达到了认为社会党任何事情都会比萨科齐做的好的程度。Voters may have been expressing their disillusion with Mr Sarkozy as much as any faith that the Socialists could do better.

主人公形象“艺术-文本化”生存的幻灭使得他的审美理想和社会理想获得了价值确认。The disillusion of the "art- textual " survival of the hero image makes the value of his esthetic and social ideality recognized.

丁玲女性小说表达了现代女性在精神退场、欲望泛化的都市男性中心社会里对理想爱情神话追求的幻灭。The women novels by DING Ling express the theme of the disillusion of the modern women in their pursuit of the ideal myth of love in the man-centered society.

马蒂内利先生拥有巴拿马最大的连锁超市超级99,以一个旁观者的姿态成功地从政治腐败的幻灭中获益。Mr Martinelli, who owns Super 99, the country’s largest supermarket chain, managed to profit from disillusion at political corruption by posing as an outsider.

体面的夏尔马,雷纳,和印度的最后希望,和所有的英语失败和幻灭年取得了一个新的和激动人心的在伦敦南部的现实。Sharma, Raina, and India's last hopes of respectability, and all the years of English defeat and disillusion yielded to a new and thrilling reality in South London.

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苏格拉底,对这个框架的醒悟,在我看来,挑战了政治生活的可能性,就在他提问,或区别友与敌的问题时。Socrates' disillusion of that very framework,challenges, it seems to me, the very possibility of political life by questioning the question or the distinction between friend and enemy.

气味仿佛引路的精灵,夏奈脑子里乱糟糟的,待她醒悟过来,自己站在一道白色的门前。The smell imitates the spirit that the Buddha leads the access, the summer Nai is untidy in brain, absence her disillusion to come over, and ego stands in front of the door in a white.

整部作品中蕴含了深深的幻灭感,充分揭示了美国社会的黑暗、空虚的现实以及“美国梦”必然幻灭的结局。The whole novel gives the reader a deep feeling of disillusion and exposes the darkness of the American society, the inanity of the life and the inevitable disillusion of the "American dreams".