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在这些问题上,罗蒂是对的。On these matters, Rorty has me right.

罗蒂教授于1931年出生在纽约城。Professor Rorty was born in New York City in 1931.

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可是,你认为我该如何对待麦琪·罗蒂?But what do you think I should've done about Miz Rorty?

“我不在意,”麦琪·罗蒂说,“我觉得他很可爱。”"I don't care, " said Maggie Rorty. "I think he's cute."

所以罗蒂主张保留实用主义而把经验主义加以剔除。Because of this, Rorty claims reserve Pragmatism and give up Empiricism.

对于这种“镜式哲学”,罗蒂给予了猛烈的抨击。As to this kind of "mirror-philosophy", Rorty offered the firm opposition.

在否认与回应的过程中,罗蒂发展了其进步与希望的观念。In the process of response and denial, Rorty developed his view of and hope.

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罗蒂是西方哲学客观主义传统的掘墓人。Richard Rorty is a gravedigger of the objectivism tradition of the western philosophy.

罗蒂怎么能够拒斥其一而保留其二呢?What would follow if we take a naturalist approach as proposed by Rorty in these societies?

作为主导体制外的现代知识分子,解放后的周作人具备着理查德•罗蒂自由主义的反讽主义者的意义。As an intellectual, Zhou Zuoren has the meanings of the liberal ironists in Richard Rorty 's ideas.

不过,罗蒂认识到说我们的信念是有理由的可确定的与说我们的信念是真的之间存在着差别。However, Rorty knows there is a difference between our beliefs being justified and our beliefs being true.

罗蒂强调剥夺哲学的特权,使之融入文化的其他领域之中,成为一个平等的对话者。Rorty insists to derive the privilege from philosophy and melts it into other culture fields as an equal dialogist.

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我记得,Richard,Rorty是我的表哥,也是韦斯特博士的教授和老师,他是个伟大的哲学家。I know, I know, Richard Rorty is a cousin of mine, and was a professor perhaps a teacher of Doc West. A great philosopher.

罗蒂几乎是只手推起现代西方思想界被称为“新实用主义”浪头。Rorty is almost single-handedly responsible for the rise of what is called "Neo pragmatism?in contemporary Western thought."

本文主要是通过艾柯和罗蒂关于阐释和过度阐释的论争来论述阐释的界限与标准问题。This thesis deliberates on limits of and criteria for interpretation via the discussion ofthe dispute between Eco and Rorty.

在批判的基础上,罗蒂站在新实用主义的立场,对传统哲学进行了改造,并提出了“无镜哲学”。Based on criticism, Rorty carried on the transformation to them in the new pragmatism and proposed "non- mirror- philosophy".

罗蒂对杜威哲学遗产的批判、继承、利用和发展在美国哲学界一直是有争议的。The approach Rorty wants to inherit and critically develop John Dewey's philosophy is always disputed in American philosophy.

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在全球化背景下,罗蒂期望新左派能抛弃将社会问题理论化的趋势,重新建立与工会的联系,共同致力于民众生活的改善。Rorty believes that the New Left must abandon the indulgence in theorizing social problems, and work with labor unions to improve the well-being of the disadvantaged.

在这些从抽象到具体的层次上,哈贝马斯都对从皮尔士经过杜威一直到普特南和罗蒂的美国实用主义哲学家所提供的思想材料作了批判性借鉴。At all these levels, from the more abstract to the more concrete, Habermas critically appropriated important resources found in American pragmatists from Peirce through Dewey to Putnam and Rorty.