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我船位置已通过台卡获得。My position has been obtained by Decca.

德克唱片公司,拒绝披头士的评语,1962。Decca Recording Co. , rejecting the Beatles, 1962

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道和迪卡古典输出大部分是生产使用天朗扬声器。Road and most of the Decca Classical output was produced using Tannoy loudspeakers.

迪卡唱片公司在全世界找寻能把格列高利圣歌咏唱的最好的女性,最后选择了修女。Decca Records chose the nuns after a worldwide search for the best female Gregorian chant performers.

从1953-1960年我在迪卡唱片公司工作,而我在那期间对这一行学到的比任何其他时间还多。I was with Decca from 1953 to 1960, and I learned more about the business during that time than any other.

现场还将搭建一个超过100平方米的巨型天幕,仅此天幕就将占用一台卡车。The scene will also build one to surpass 100 square meters giant backdrops , this backdrop will only take a decca vehicle.

1962年,四个神情紧张的年轻音乐人为德卡唱片公司的几位业务主管演奏了他们的第一张试听唱片。In 1962, four nervous young musicians played their first record audition for the executives of the Decca Recording company.

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然而严格的修道院规定也不允许福茂唱片总裁狄肯‧史坦纳进到修道院里来祝贺她们。However, their strict rules meant that even the managing director of Decca Records, Dickon Stainer, was not allowed to enter their abbey to congratulate them.

据路透社报道,来自法国南部阿维尼翁圣母修道院的修女们成功击败70个宗教团体,与迪卡唱片公司签下合约。The nuns from the Abbaye de Notre-Dame del'Annonciation, near Avignon in southern France, beat 70 other religious orders to a deal with Decca Records, Reuters reports.

双曲导航系统首先在陆基导航中得到应用,他们工作在中波或长波段,如LORAN、DECCA和OMEGA。Hyperbolic navigation systems were first implemented as ground-based navigation systems operating in the medium and long-wave radio frequency spectrum like LORAN, DECCA or OMEGA.