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他,是绿色的使者。He, it is green emissary.

我是这个世界统治者的使者。I am the emissary to the ruler of all the world.

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他还曾参加了本拉登前往伊朗的私人团队。He once served as Bin Laden's personal emissary to Iran.

他从来也没有去追求过出任无足轻重的总统密使的角色。He had never sought the role of a minor presidential emissary.

在人们的想象中,他或许会以欧洲各国元首特使的名义四处旅行。He might notionally be travelling as the emissary of EU leaders.

耶稣是光球使者,他的肉身是我。Jesus was an emissary from the spheres of light, incarnated in me.

在分矿区部署勘探车并且等待他部署。Deploy Emissary near your Expansion Field and wait for it to deploy.

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怎样表明了先知的事工正象盟约使者一样?。How do they illustrate the service of a prophet as a covenant emissary?

这漫天的雪花,就像是天空中的小精灵,是上帝派来的使者。This filled snowflakes, as the sky is the Toolbar, is an emissary sent by God.

或许使者将发现这个咒语并且取消做了的那。Perhaps an emissary will find this incantation and undo that which has been done.

当那个电影制片人知道汤姆是教父维多。克里昂的使者时。When the movie producer realizes that Tom Hagen is the emissary of Vito Corleone.

黑暗使者随英雄等级提高,死亡尖啸技能的效果提高。Dark Emissary The effect of Death Scream ability increases as hero gains new levels.

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芬丹一直担任戍边的任务,他曾经担任过出使贵国塔伦嘉德的宫廷特使。You know Findan who maintains our borders, he was emissary to your court at Talonguard.

他是和平的使者,他出面解决了许多队员之间发生的矛盾。He is the emissary of peace, he came forward to solve many conflicts between team members.

于是他转型为汉学家并以英国科学使者的身份在重庆找了一份工作。He retrained as a Sinologist and took a job in Chongqing as Britain's scientific emissary.

他开始重新恶补中国知识,以一位汉学家的身份来到陪都重庆出任英国驻华使馆的科学参赞。He retrained as a Sinologist and took a job in Chongqing as Britain’s scientific emissary.

杜大伟,驻华经济与金融特使,美国驻华大使馆/美国财政部David Dollar, Economic and Financial Emissary to China, U.S. Treasury, U.S. Embassy Beijing

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如果只有茹阿瓦纳想惩罚使者作为一个入侵者,他可以选择变丑了。If only Ravana wanted to punish the emissary as an intruder, he may choose to disfigure him.

四月初,有个特使来找格林列尔多·马克斯上校。Toward the first of April a special emissary identified himself to Colonel Gerineldo Márquez.

权近以使者的身份来过中国,与明太祖和朝廷大臣进行过交流。Quan Jin as an emissary came to China, and Ming Tai Zu and court minister conducted exchanges.