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在研究范围内,30℃的水螅个体最小。Hydra got the minimum body size at 30℃.

他们的对手是三头六臂的妖怪。They were fighting a hydra headed monster.

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群体生活的种类,其水螅体直径1至3毫米。The type of group life, the Hydra diameter of 1-3 mm.

水螅是美丽的,但一丁点烦人的生物。Hydra are beautiful, but a wee bit annoying creatures.

他站在蛇树的头部的袭击范围外直喘气。He stands there panting, just out of range of the hydra heads.

混合有保湿成分,维持肌肤水润丝滑。Mixed with moisturizing ingredients to maintain skin Hydra silk slip.

铜、镉对水螅的急性和联合毒性作用。Toxicity and toxic effects of heavy metals cadmium and copper on Hydra sp.

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在其他地方,猎人证明他将跨线到病房和九头蛇的报复。Elsewhere, Hunter proves he will cross any line to get revenge on Ward and Hydra.

这两个纲的许多种类都有水母型和水螅型的世代交替。The two key link in many types of jellyfish are generational-type and Hydra type.

神来到我的跟前,告诉我他的勇士会将我们从九头蛇怪许德拉的口中拯救出来。The gods came to me, told me that their champion will come and rescue us from the Hydra.

冥卫一被发现于1978年,而另外两个卫星水螅和尼克斯,在2005年发现的。Charon was discovered in 1978, while two additional moons Hydra and Nix, were discovered in 2005.

详细描绘了他的十二个劳动力的争夺,从九头的蛇水润赫拉克勒斯。Detail of Herakles battling the nine-headed serpent Hydra from a depiction of his twelve labours.

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但在没有疫苗的状况下,非洲的疟疾灾难将会像多头怪兽一般持续冒出。And in the absence of a vaccine, Africa's malaria woes could continue to grow like a multiheaded Hydra.

许德拉很爱阿尼,他不会让阿尼去送死,她决定在阿尼之前击退赫五力,哪怕是同归于尽。Hydra deeply loved Nemean and decided to fight Hercules herself even if it meant they had to die together.

如果探测器发现尼克斯和许德拉上多数都是冰,那么克纳普的模拟实验真是个巨大的成功了。If the probe finds that Nix and Hydra are mostly ice, it'll show Canup's simulation to be a smashing success.

Hydra网站论坛里有在线支持,但你可能更希望通过他们的渠道获得支持。The Hydra website has online support in a forum, but you are more likely to get support through thier IRC channel.

水螅型珊瑚虫,水螅虫一种有柱状身体和通常被触角包围的口部开口的腔肠动物,比如水螅或珊瑚虫。A coelenterate, such AS a hydra or coral, having a cylindrical body and an oral opening usually surrounded by tentacles.

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为实现四辊冷轧机液压弯辊系统的精确控制,设计应用了一种模糊逻辑控制器。To realize accurate control of hydra matic bend systems for four-high cold mill, this paper presents a fuzzy logic controller.

Hydra可以连接到任意多网络上的任意多服务器,它还可以维护多重用户身份。Hydra can connect to as many servers on as many different networks as you wish and is able to maintain multiple user identities.

据说,巨蟹座代表了攻击大力士赫尔克里士的螃蟹,当时赫尔克里士正与水蛇海德拉决斗。It is thought that this constellation represents the crab which is attacking Hercules during his fight with the water snake, Hydra.