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蓝色山溪啊。Blue mountain river.

攀越每道山岭。Climb every mountain.

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南明山的光。NanMing mountain light.

山式站立。Stand in Mountain pose.

当然是清源山啦!Qingyuan Mountain it is!

信心可移山。Faith will move mountain.

这座山真高!How high the mountain is!

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咫尺关山。Right close off mountain.

那山都做了什么?What did the mountain do?

信念可以移山。Faith can remove mountain.

他向山下滑去。He skis down the mountain.

那山有多高?。How high is that mountain?

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去遍山。我在山中徒步。I hiked over the mountain.

轻钢龙骨山。Light-beam steel mountain.

雪覆盖了山。Snow covered the mountain.

信心可移山。Faith will move a mountain.

我是一名狂热的山地车手。I'm an avid mountain biker.

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雾笼罩着述座山。Mist wreathed the mountain.

断背山的风景明信片。Scene a Brokeback Mountain.

斯诺登山是一座很高的山。Snowdon is a high mountain.