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狂风为无叶的秃树哀悼几几。The winds bewail the leafless tree.

乌鸦吃死羊,先要哭一场。Carrion crows bewail the dead sheep and then eat them.

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在暴力之下只能沉默和哀叹。And one has to save one's breath and bewail under violence.

他们是谁?,我们发现很难为他们的离去悲叹。Who are they to us? We find it difficult to bewail their absence.

有智慧的运动员应该接受自己的每一投,并给出评分,而不去抱怨时运不济。A wise player ought to accept his throws and score them, not bewail his luck.

你们都为那件事来向我哀告,好像你们才是该被怜悯的人!And you both came to bewail the deed to me, as if you were the people to be pitied!

任何不为这样的事实哀悼、悲伤的人,不配拥有灵魂。Anyone not inclined to lament, mourn and bewail this fact is not in possession of a soul.

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他们没有抱怨土地干旱荒芜,也没有哀泣为何命运把他们安置在这里。They do not complain of this dry, desolate land nor do they bewail the fate that brought them here.

如果她扑向它,在那里嚎啕大哭,那么,由于她提供了一场乡村戏剧的素材,大家将感激地珍视她。Had she run to it to bewail herself she would have been cherished in thankfulness for a country drama.

她失望地嚎啕大哭,那些觉得自己是悲痛的根源的人才会如此失望地痛哭。And she sobbed with a despair with which people only bewail a trouble they feel they have brought on themselves.

麦饭浸水沉入河底,一担麦饭全部倒掉,也未见倒满,这人只知叹惜,不知是什么原因。Wheat meal is soggy the heavy bottom that enter a river, meal of a wheat falls entirely, also did not see full, this person knows bewail only, knowing is what reason.

看,他乘着云彩降来,众目都要瞻望他,连那些刺透了他的人,也要瞻望他,地上的各种族都要哀悼他。的确这样。阿们。Behold, he cometh with the clouds, and every eye shall see him, and they also that pierced him. And all the tribes of the earth shall bewail themselves because of him. Even so. Amen.