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最好的间谍?Best spy ever?

我的最佳摰友呀!My best friend!

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人类的最好的朋友。Man's best amigo.

嘉颖,你是最棒的!You're the best !

衷心祝福你!Best wishes to you!

我最爱油炸圈饼。I like donuts best.

我爱罗,我最亲爱的。My best love Gaara.

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还记得皮特•贝斯特吗?Remember Pete Best?

买感觉最好的鞋。Get what feels best.

那是我最拿手的。That's my best line.

最佳擦永远!Best Aftershave Ever!

斯凯瑞童书-最好的书!Best First Book Ever!

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面对面是最好的办法。Face to face is best.

目前最好的球队?Gfx Best team so far?

我最喜欢肜游泳。I like swimming best.

这是最美的季节。It's the best season.

小火、慢火是最好的。Low and slow is best.

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我们这个队是最好的。Our team is the best.

所以我们要常抱最大的希望。So hope for the best.

好片总是留在最后的。The Best of the last.