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用奉承话诡辩。Sophisticate rose water with geraniol.

有良好的沟通和协调能力。Sophisticate in communication and coordination skills.

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三是简单观念本身的性质复杂。Third it is a simple kind of oneself idea to sophisticate.

投资者越来越专业并且需要更多样的产品。Investors are getting more sophisticate and demand for more varieties.

如果你是一个老油条,这篇文章看不看无防!If you are a sophisticate , this article does not look without prevent!

黄博士脸上露出的一丝深沉的微笑启迪了在场记者。Daniel Wong gave a smile – a sophisticate smilethat inspired the reporters.

但你愈是了解复杂的人类,你愈是感到沮丧绝望。But the deeper you understand the sophisticate mankind, the more desperate you feel.

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利用紫外光检查纸的质量,鉴别出伪钞。Through a sophisticate UV ray detection system, the authenticity of the banknote paper will be examined.

宗教的起源和发展是宗教学研究中的一个复杂和重大的理论问题。Origin and growth of religion is a sophisticate and important theory's problem in the studies of religion.

另一种类型是在他或她久经世故后选择带着一颗童心去生活。The other is who chooses to live a life with childlike innocence after he or she has been a sophisticate long enough.

地震次生火灾作为地震次生灾害中发生最频繁的灾种,起火原因复杂其危害性也十分巨大。As the most frequency post-earthquake disaster, the reason of the post-earthquake fire is sophisticate and its harm is huge.

德国以其精良的装备、独特的政治地位和积极的谋划成为对华装备输出第一国。German became the largest exporter of armament to China owing to its sophisticate equipment, special political role and positive strategy.

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从证人自身角度上完善对证人的各项补偿措施,加强对证人的保护力度和保护措施。From consideration of witness itself, the country should sophisticate every indemnifying measure and strengthen the shielding force and safeguards to the witness.

未来若结合发展中的口语描述结构之表示及比对方法,将可提升口语化查询之精确率。Our future works will be focus on promoting the precision ratio by integrating more sophisticate approaches for the representation and matching of oral description.

这种整体对称结构采用双侧对籍、精调斜块对及整体加工等独特的结构和工艺手段,保证了驱动器工作的稳定性和准确性。The symmetric structure in entity applied unique structure and technics method such as double extrusion, sophisticate slant gage block and entire processing and so on.

这个系统很复杂,我们现代的电脑只能粗略的计算,所以不能用来精确计算气候变化带来的影响。The system is so complex, but today's our best computer model are only cured approximation. And it is not sophisticate enough to test hypothesis of the causes of climate change.

在计算机新的应用领域以及管理信息系统、办公自动化等传统应用领域中,面临的共同问题是大型工程复杂数据的管理问题。The administrative issue of large engineering sophisticate data are commonly confronted in new computer application field and management information system or OA etc traditional field.

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矿山开采引起的地表移动是一个复杂的动态过程,传统的二维线划图不能全面、准确地表达地表的沉陷信息。The surface displacement caused by mining is a sophisticate dynamic process. The traditional two-dimension line graphic can't explain the information of surface subsidence completely and precisely.