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你使我误解了你的意图。I was misled about your intentions.

但女巫用薄雾把他们带错路。But the witch misled them in the mist.

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当心,不要误信谣言。Take care not to be misled by rumours.

这个男孩被坏伙伴带坏了`。This boy was misled by bad companions.

他使我误以为他很有钱。He misled me into thinking he was rich.

罗森博格用他的死误导了全世界。Rosenberg misled the world about his death.

向导在森林里给旅游者带错了路。The guide misled the tourists in the woods.

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他是个好孩子,但坏伙伴们把他带坏了。He is a good boy, but was misled by bad companions.

她天真无邪的表情使得我误信了她。Her innocent expression misled me into trusting her.

本周在工作上确保不要被一些阿谀奉承而误导。Be sure not to be misled by flattery at work this week.

很抱歉,我使你误以为我会在家。I'm sorry I misled you into thinking I would be at home.

我常常在想我是否被爱尔兰所误导了。Often, I wondered whether I’d been misled about Ireland.

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轻信的人很容易上虚假广告的当。Credulous people are easily misled by false advertisements.

我们被误导而成为罪的奴隶。We were misled and became slaves to many lusts and pleasures.

这样的书可能会使人们被误导和意志消沉。People who are taken up by such books might be misled and dispirited.

我被我的哥哥引入歧途,生活中除了喝酒就是偷窃。I was misled by my elder brother into a life of drinking and stealing.

女伯爵的声音误导他,使得他朝著伊索列的方向走去。Misled by the countess's voice, Ory makes his advances towards Isolier.

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我从来都不应该欺骗国家、国会、我的朋友和我的家人。I never should have misled the country, the Congress, my friends and my family.

我可能在那里对你们,产生了一些误导或者可能是很多。I actually misled you slightly there or maybe a lot, because I did it in parallel.

尼可总统谎称他和这宗丑闻无关,误导民众。President Nichols misled the people by lying about his involvement in the scandal.