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无法找到任何Eudora设置。Unable to find any Eudora settings.

我比较喜欢欧多拉·威尔第的描述I do love Eudora Welty's description of this.

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尤多拉。韦尔蒂是美国南方文学的代表作家之一。Eudora Welty is one of the leading writers of South American Literature.

我就知道很多人一直使用着Eudora的古老的版本,因为该版本还能够继续为他们工作。I know a lot of people who work out of ancient versions of Eudora because it works for them.

用Eudora阅读邮件是简单易行的,最困难的是将信件放入你的信箱。Reading mail with EUDORA is simplicity itself, the hardest part is getting the mail into your mailbox.

Eudora是最普及、最简单易用的程序之一,在Macintosh和IBM兼容机上都能使用。Eudora is one of the most popular and easy-to-use programs and is available for both Macintosh and IBM compatibles.

它起源于1933年的佐治亚州的温德尔城,查尔斯-艾尔蒙德医生的妻子欧德拉决定将这天作为纪念医生的日子。The first Doctors Day observance was March 30, 1933 in Winder, Georgia. Eudora Brown Almond, wife of Dr. Charles B.

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但有一次她被问到,为什么南方总是出伟大的作家,或者是杰出的小说家,她自己就是个很出色的小说家But Eudora Welty was once asked why Southerners can be such great writers, or such good storytellers and she was a wonderful storyteller.

米兰达、伊娃和普利斯·兰多分别是美国著名南方女作家凯瑟琳·安·波特和尤多拉·韦尔蒂塑造的三位文学形象。Miranda, Eva and Plisse-Rondo are three women characters written by the famous American southern writers Katherine Anne Porter and Eudora Wetly.

该喝一杯啤酒了,在找到一家极好的名为“尤多拉车站”的美国主题酒吧前,我几乎要进到一处以青少年为主的疯狂的音乐节里面。Time for a beer, and I narrowly avoid entering a crazy music festival aimed at teenagers before finding a terrific US theme bar called Eudora Station.

我们是多么崇拜和妒忌他们,他们是我们大学生的偶像——海明威和福克纳,弗罗斯特和艾略特,玛丽.麦卡锡,弗兰纳里。奥康纳和尤多拉。威尔蒂!How we did adore and envy them, the idols of our college years—Hemingway and Faulkner, Frost and Eliot, Mary McCarthy and Flannery O'Connor and Eudora Welty!

在这部书中,作者特别提到了南方人特有的历史意识,也就是尤多拉。韦尔蒂所说的“地方感”。Vann Woodward's The Burden of Southern History, in which he noted southerners' peculiar historical consciousness, what Eudora Welty called the sense of place.

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尤多拉•韦尔蒂是美国最受欢迎和重视的作家之一,她的写作主题和风格独树一帜,其影响超越了南方文学的地域性,使她成为世界级的作家。Eudora Welty was one of the significant and noticeable American writers. She was famous for her unique theme and writing style, which gained her worldwide fame.

尤多拉·威尔替在自己的短篇和长篇小说中生动地描述了南方诸州的生活,描绘了迷人的风景,并且表达了那里的人民共有的态度和价值观。In her short stories and novels, Eudora Welty vividly captures life in the deep South, creating powerful images of the landscape and conveying the shared attitudes and values of the people.