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她遇到一个劲敌。She had a vigorous opponent.

刚健的文字都是简练的。Vigorous writing is concise.

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舞蹈很刚健。The dancing is very vigorous.

舞蹈很刚健。The dancing was very vigorous.

上面酵母是活跃的发酵剂。Top yeasts are Vigorous fermenters.

他的书法刚劲豪放。His calligraphy is bold and vigorous.

避开那些强烈的有氧操式的瑜伽。Avoid vigorous acrobatic styles of yoga.

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就是现在,他的步子还是很壮健有力的。Even now he walked with a vigorous step.

他的书法苍劲有力。His calligraphy is vigorous and forceful.

现在的清远充满了生机和活力。Today's qingyuan is vigorous and vibrant.

他健步登上演讲台。He mounted the rostrum in vigorous strides.

生长势旺,商品荚率高。Vigorous plant growth, good commodity rate.

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在某些领域,我们有强烈的分歧。In some areas we have vigorous disagreement.

他这个人做事豪放不羁。He is vigorous and unrestrained in behaviour.

他的舞姿雄健优美。His dance movements are vigorous and graceful.

她用海绵把地板使劲儿擦了一遍。She gave the floor a vigorous sponge all over.

植株生长势中强,抗性较强,易坐果。The plant is vigorous with disease resistance.

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这是非常积极和抗病。It is extremely vigorous and disease-resistant.

“它从第一天开始就很好动,”米斯说。"He was very vigorous from Day One, " Meese said.

她原先那种生气勃勃的青春自豪感已经萎谢。Her original vigorous pride of youth had sickened.