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单腺泡腔小而狭窄,但肺泡的腔却大而膨满。The lumen of the acinus is small and narrow, but that of the alveolus is large and distended.

单腺泡腔小而狭窄,但小泡状腺的腔却大而膨满。The lumen of the acinus is small and narrow, but that of the alveolus is large and distended.

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ILD组肝内胶原纤维明显增生,假小叶形成。The collagen fibrils had significant hyperplasia, and false liver acinus formed in liver of ILD.

全腺泡型肺气肿发生时则出现从呼吸性细支气管到肺泡的腺泡所有部分全部扩张。Panacinar emphysema occurs with loss of all portions of the acinus from the respiratory bronchiole to the alveoli.

充满成熟浆果香,复杂,极有层次,有完美的橡木味。The Cockatoo Ridge reserve shiraz1999 has a strong flavour of acinus , complexity, gradation and perfect subtle oak.

一层肌上皮细胞,部分呈轻微空泡状,正好围绕在腺泡的外围。A layer of myoepithelial cells, some of which are slightly vacuolated, is seen just around the outside of the acinus.

一层肌上皮细胞,部分呈轻微空泡状,正好围绕在腺泡的外围。A layer of myoepithelial cells, some of which are slightly vacuolated , is seen just around the outside of the acinus.

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目的研究女性正常及癌变乳腺导管系统的三维结构。Objective To investigate the three-dimensional structure of normal and cancerous female mammary duct and acinus system.

结果胰组织主要由腺泡构成的腺小叶和分隔腺小叶的结缔组织所组成。Results The pancreatic tissue is chief composed of glandular lobules formed with acinus and connective tissue separating these lobules.

深宝石的色泽晶莹透亮。带着山莓和浆果香味。略有辛辣。单宁口感红腻柔和。充满法国风情。It's bright and clariy, looks like gems. It smells like acinus or berry. Alittle spicy. Smooth. the wine gives you france amorous feelings.

深宝石的色泽晶莹透亮。带着山莓和浆果香味。略有辛辣。单宁口感细腻柔和。充满法国风情。It's bright and clariy, looks like gems. lt smells like acinus or berry. A little spicy. Smooth. the wine gives you france amorous feelings.

肺腺泡是指肺终末支气管远端的部分,12个腺泡组成一个次级肺小叶。A pulmonary acinus is defined as that portion of lung distal to the terminal bronchiole, and up to 12 acini can make up one secondary pulmonary lobule.

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病理基础是预处理毒性引起肝脏内肝小叶3区内的血窦内皮细胞以及肝细胞损害所致。The basis of pathology of vod is thought resulting from injury of hepatocytes and endodermis cells surrounding the central veins in zone3of the liver acinus by regimen-related toxicity.