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乐行童军的铭言是服务。SERVICE is the Motto of Rover Scouts.

漫游者号证实了火星确曾有水存在。Rover confirms presence of water on Mars.

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警用陆虎开进了F区。The police Land Rover pulled into Area F.

“月船二号”月球车计划在2011年研发出来。A Chandrayaan-2 rover is planned for 2011.

西部的印第安人在大平原上过着游牧生活。The Indian of the West is a rover of the plain.

一个和原型同样大小的火星探测车漫游者号的复制品。A full-size replica of a Mars Exploration Rover.

一艘海盗船隐隐约约在雾中出现了。A sea rover has appeared indistinctly in the fog.

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你可以过来开那辆陆虎过来载他们。You can come and pick them up with the Land Rover.

贝尔负责勇气号上的主摄像机。Bell was in charge of the main cameras on the rover.

路虎一吨型“正向控制”发布。The Land Rover 1-tonne Forward Control is announced.

我们可能失去了勇气号,但我们还有另一台火星车,那就是它的兄弟——机遇号。Spirit may be gone, but there's still one rover left.

揽胜运动版也采用这款发动机。The engine is also available in the Range Rover Sport.

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而探测器在沙地上移动时,声音就会较小。When the sound is softer, the rover was moving on sand.

家园,是这一群都市飘泊者的最终渴望。Homes, is that this group of urban rover ultimate desire.

兹推荐申请人获取乐行童军奖章。I hereby recommend the applicant for The Rover Scout Award.

有照片显示阿波罗17号释放的月球车在月球表面留下的轮胎痕迹。The photos show tire tracks from the Apollo 17 lunar rover.

软件包括移动站程序、基站程序和实验程序三部分。It is composed of Base Station, Rover Station and Experiment.

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捷豹陆虎公司在中国的销售正在大大增加。Jaguar Land Rover is in the midst of amajor sales push in China.

运用行为控制方法实现月球车的自主导航。By the behavior control method, the rover navigates autonomously.

不远处,这辆火星车在悬崖的表面发现层状岩体。Not far away, the rover found layered rocks on the face of a cliff.