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对于任何非必要的购买建立一个“等待期”。Establish a “waiting period” before any nonessential purchase.

在培养基中不需要额外添加谷氨酰胺和非必需氨基酸。Glutamine and nonessential amino acids do no need to add superfluity.

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一些无关紧要的数字不要挂怀,包括你的年龄、体重和身高。Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height.

消灭生活中所有不重要的开支。You need a budget. Eliminate ALL the nonessential costs in your life.

你需要做个预算,避免生活中所有不必要的开支。You need a budget. Eliminate all the nonessential costs in your life.

别理会那些不重要的数字,包括年龄,体重,身高。Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height.

如果花销超过月收入,你需要减少非必需品的开销。If your expenses exceed your income, you'll need to cut back on nonessential items.

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美国政府已经提出建议,希望美国公民延迟到墨西哥的非必要行程。The U.S. government has recommended that its citizens postpone nonessential travel to Mexico.

同样,外国公司也开始将派驻首都东京的非紧要人员撤离。Foreign companies, too, have begun flying nonessential expatriate staff out of the capital, Tokyo.

在打破句子流畅性的不重要的单词,短语和从句后使用逗号。Use commas around nonessential words, phrases, and clauses that interrupt the flow of the sentence.

现在,以人为本的伟大方针已被提出,不过教育理论仍肩负着正本清源的艰难任务。It put the nonessential before the essential. Now the great policy of people-oriented has been raised.

它还会抑制那些在一个逃跑或战斗处境吓无关紧要或有害的功能。Cortisol also curbs functions that would be nonessential or detrimental in a fight-or-flight situation.

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避免对页面使用图像,使用更少的脚本,禁用不必要的功能等等。The page could avoid using images, contain fewer scripts, disable nonessential functionality, and so on.

现代主义用减法去掉繁杂的装饰、非本质的功能和情感。Modernistic with function of the adornment with subtraction multifarious take out, nonessential and affection.

任何不必要的空白,像缩进、空行,以及元素和括号之间的空格都被删除了。Any nonessential white space, like indenting, blank lines, and spaces between elements and braces, was stripped.

在这个干旱区域,这些没有用在刀刃上的水正是那些农民极度渴望的。Tapping the drought-prone region's aquifer for nonessential uses diverts water from farmers who need it desperately.

太多的钱花在家具套、窗帘帷幔和像灯与小地毯这类无关紧要的物品上了。It seems to me that too much money has been spent on slipcovers, drapes, and nonessential items such as lamps and rugs.

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减少或者取消非必需的商务旅行,是削减商旅开支最常用的方法。Reducing or eliminating nonessential travel was the most frequently reported method of cutting business travel expenses.

结论本病常有自限性,如无发症大多预后良好,故早明确诊断可减少不必要的查和特殊治疗。Therefore, the nonessential inspection and specific treatment should be reduced if the diagnosis is made in the early time.

抛开那些不重要的数据,包括年龄、体重和身高。让医生来操心吧,这也是你为什么要付钱给他们的原因。Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctor worry about them. That is why you pay.