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这諟嘲讽悳笑。This is laughing at sneering at.

“恭喜你!”盖斯勒冷笑着说。Congratulations! said Gessler, sneering.

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“你当然可以,”斯内普嘲笑地说。Of course you can, " said Snape, sneering ."

老女巫鬼鬼崇崇地走进来,冷冷一笑。The old sorceress slunk in with a sneering smile.

我走在大街上,自个儿在心底嘲笑这些人类。I walked the streets, sneering at humans to myself.

我跑出很远,还能听到他们的嘲笑声。Running out very far I could still hear them sneering.

我跑出很远,还能听到他们的嘲笑声。Running out very far, I could still hear them sneering.

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在206页,她说,“你又在嘲笑了是吗!On page 206, she says, well, "There you go sneering now!"

在206页,她说,“你又在嘲笑了是吗!“On page 206, she says, well, "There you go sneering now!"

他乜斜着眼睛,眼角挂着讥诮的微笑。He squinted with a sneering look in the corner of his eye.

法利赛人是贪爱钱财的、他们听见这一切话、就嗤笑耶稣。The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus.

我对这件事的看法是堵嘲笑你的女士微笑并为她开门。My advice in this case is to smile at the sneering lady and open the door anyway.

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“祝贺你了,”盖斯靳轻蔑地笑着说。“现在告诉我,为什么你手里还拿着一支箭。”Congratulations! " said Gessler, sneering. "Now tell me why you took a second arrow. "

在联邦调查局总部大楼无情冷漠的灯光下,他片场很多大块时间都是这样度过的,一边满头大汗,一边冷嘲热讽。Edgar” that way, sweating and sneering in the unforgiving lighting of F.B.I. headquarters.

老喝得半醉,苍白的面孔上露出讥笑——但脑袋倒很漂亮,不过眼睫毛太多。A half-paralysed white sneering fellow--rather handsome head, but eyes with a lot of lashes.

Twitter的诋毁者总是不屑地说,没有价值的东西用140个字母就可以解决了。Twitter's detractors are used to sneering that nothing of value can be said in 140 characters.

而现在,因为他的诚实和善良,艾薇塔要保护他不受柳妲的轻蔑和嘲讽。And now, because he was honest and good, Ivetta wanted to protect him from Luda’s sneering condescension.

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杜丽娘是晚明第一个生命辎重意识觉醒的东方女性。His works-"Sneering at the tiger" tells that it is tragical for people to live without impedimenta consciousness.

在嘲笑这些瓷器的同时,阿狄森还同时不去理会摆在寡妇的图书馆书架上的那些法国浪漫爱情小说。While sneering about the porcelain, Addison also dismisses the French romances that lined the widow's library shelves.

可能想给她留下一个好印象,也可能是年少无知的缘故,我嘲笑了房间里的每个人,那样子够侮辱人的。Trying to impress her, or just being a teenager, I was sneering and being insulting to just about everyone in the room.