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他骑脚踏车去叫泥瓦匠。He pedaled off to summon a mason.

他骑脚踏车去叫泥瓦匠。He pedalled off to summon a mason.

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我会后德韦恩的召唤!I will summon the Afete Dwain'tor!

他的咆哮并非恫吓,而是召集。It growls not to threaten, but to summon.

集合部队和仆臣!我们朝塔伦嘉德进军。Let the Circle summon troops and servants!

或许你能够说上几句。You may be able to summon up a few phrases.

用神圣的咒文招换神殿护卫!Use a holy spell to summon sanctuary guardian.

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用神圣的咒文招换神殿护卫!Use a holy spell to summon sanctuary guardians.

约翰骑车去找个瓦匠。John pedaled off his bicycle to summon a mason.

召唤你的能量,激情就会随之而来。Summon the energy, and the passion will be there.

因此,多数民众赞成林站在这里传唤人这样做。Thats why Im standing here to summon people do it.

当召唤GF的时候会提升相容性。Compatibility with GF increases as you summon them.

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警方将强制拘传这几名犯罪嫌疑人。The police will summon the suspects for questioning.

召唤战鹰消耗的魔法增加,从35变为50。Summon Hawk mana cost increased to 50 mana from 35 mana.

苏子君鼓起勇气当场对陈妍表白。SuZiJun summon up courage to ChenYan profession on the spot.

在你的皮箱里使用它可以使你能够召唤鹰。Using it in your Portmanteau will allow you to summon eagles.

夜晚到临,我要小心谨慎不去召唤睡眠。When night cometh, then take I good care not to summon sleep.

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我也辉煌过,在单位前呼后拥,呼风唤雨。I have also been brilliant in the flat g summon wind and rain.

我可以走到一座城堡前要求整座城投降。I can march up to a fortress and summon the place to surrender.

如果受到攻击,恶蟹会召唤2-3个覆甲勇士。If they are attacked, Drones summon two-three Armored Warriors.