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所以,解脱的结果,只能是虚无。Therefore, the result of extrication is only nihility.

路面不平度识别的关键之一是特征提取。One key of road roughness recognition was feature extrication.

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禅宗解脱的实质是生命的自由。The essence of the extrication of Chan sect is the freedom of life.

用沉默最后换来寂寞,像一种解脱。Finally trades lonely with the silence, looks like one kind of extrication.

其中流贯着历代儒者对个体生命的理性执著和对死亡困境的精神解脱。There flows the Confuciants' yearning for life and extrication from death through these theories.

巯基棉吸附效率高,定量解脱完全,待测元素的分离富集选择性强。Mercapto cotton has high absorption, complete quantitative extrication and high selectivity of determining element.

我和我的一位朋友跳入湖里救出孩子,当时落水女孩已停止呼吸。I dive into with one of my friend in the lake extrication child, fell into water the girl at that time already stop breathe.

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这么说,雪儿会更危险,我们更要尽快救出雪儿。"Say so, sleet son will be more dangerous, Moncler "The hereafter paint down Dou, we even want extrication snow son quickly.

可以说,安娜与艾玛的自杀行为实质也是为自己寻求解脱而置子女家庭于不顾的自私行为。It is observed that the realty of her suicide is a selfish behavior searching extrication for herself and leaving her family.

选择合理的筛分级数,可提高淀粉提取率,使薯渣中所夹带的游离淀粉最少。If sifting progression is reasonable , then extraction rate of starch is high and extrication starch is least in potato residue.

祥林嫂想要在知识分子那里获得灵魂幽闭恐怖的解脱,但知识分子并没有给她一点精神的出路。Sister Xianglin wanted to get extrication of spiritual claustrophobia from intellectuals, but the intellectuals couldn't give her any outlet.

在人类意识层面,荒诞是生存状态下精神死亡的表象,而死亡则成为对于存在的荒诞境况的解脱。The absurdity is the phenomenon of the death of spirits under the existence, and the death has become a kind of extrication about the absurdity of being.

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道教内丹学的解脱观念有别于传统道教的“肉体飞升”之说,而以神气合一的阳神解脱为内丹修炼的目标。Extrication in Inner Alchemy aims at the deliverance of the positive spirit, which is different from the traditional Daoism's "deliverance with the body".

创新德育认为,创新是人的本性,创新的哲学是人类精神的实践,是人性灵魂的解脱和创造。One of essential characters of human being, philosophically, innovation extends the complete practice of human spirit, also extrication and expression of human soul.

融入自然,对自然山水风光的欣赏和描写减轻了他心中尘世的烦恼,获得一条解脱之道。To be in harmony with nature and his enjoyment of landscape and scene and his writings alleviated his bother of earthliness , then he had found an approach of extrication.

道家学派理论面对忧患强调“天人合一”和解脱,因而具有浓郁的审美意识倾向。Because the Taoist theories emphasizes " nature and man to unite as one" and extrication when it faces the disaster, it has a full-bodied tendency of aesthetic consciousness.

审香妍明白,能否救出月驮琅和真阅上人,关键在自己身上,否则就只剩硬闯斜梁洞一途了。Review joss-stick Yan know, can extrication month Duo Lang and really peruse a person, the key is on oneself, otherwise remain is hard to rush inclined beam cavity of one way.

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但是我们知道如果要对皮肤图像的纹理线有一个比较精确的测量和识别,皮肤图像纹理的分割和提取必须比较准确。But we know if we will get more relatively exact measurement and recognition about texture line of skin image, segmentation and extrication texture line of skin image must more accurate.