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你喜欢巴拿马吗?Do you like Panama?

巴拿马运河连通两大洋。The Panama Canal joins two oceans.

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他戴顶难看透顶的巴拿马草帽。He is wearing a dreadful Panama hat.

巴拿马位于中美洲。Il Panama si trova nell'America centrale.

麦凯恩出生在巴拿马的一个军事基地。McCain was born on a military base in Panama.

的确是指巴拿马的监狱。The name Sona does refer to the prison in Panama.

休斯敦是美国港口中最靠近巴拿马运河的一个。Houston is the closest U.S. port to the Panama Canal.

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我是巴拿马大学金融系毕业的。I graduated from the University of Panama in finance.

巴拿马的自然风景和土著文化非常丰富。In Panama nature and indigenous culture are abundant.

巴拿马运河开通于近100年前。The Panama Canal opened almost one hundred years ago.

巴拿马共和国于1903年脱离哥伦比亚。The Republic of Panama seceded from Colombia in 1903.

许多人在问巴拿马文件的幕后动机。Many people are asking what is behind the Panama papers.

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陈福善1905年生于巴拿马,1910年定居香港。Born in Panama in 1905 Chen settled in Hong Kong in 1910.

巴拿马统治者梅纽·诺列加现在仍然在法国监狱里。Manuel Noriega of Panama still lives inside a French one.

他曾在攻打巴拿马和格林纳达时起过重要作用。He was instrumental in the invasions of Panama and Grenada.

1879年,雷赛布试图在巴拿马再造辉煌。In 1879 de Lesseps tried to recreate his success in Panama.

这个陆地的狭窄地带,我们称之为巴拿马地峡。It was the neck of land which we call the Isthmus of Panama.

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巴拿马运河的航行和吨位规定。The navigation rules and tonnage regulation of Panama Canal.

它背后是巴拿马运河上的导航灯。Navigation lights glow in the background on the Panama Canal.

他经由巴拿马运河从纽约到加利福尼亚。He travelled from New York to California via the Panama Cannel.