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我工作中的被拘留者控股区。I work in the Detainee Holding Area.

比如,在2008年,人权部曾准备了一份有关虐待羁押者的报告。In 2008, for example, MOHR prepared a report on detainee abuse.

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“阿布格莱布事件之后这里已经接到了240条对待拘留者的建议”。After Abu Ghraib there were 240 recommendations on detainee treatment.

民主党人也渴望结束布什政府的拘留政策。Democrats are also eager to end Bush administration detainee policies.

一名被拘留者在膀胱失禁之后被卫兵虐待。One detainee was abused by guards after he lost control of his bladder.

第一个押至美国受审的关塔那摩在押犯近日在纽约法院受审。The first Gutanamo detainee brought to the US for trial appears in New York Court today.

不将此人引渡到我国便意味着不能对他进行庭审和定罪。Preventing this detainee from coming to our shores would prevent his trial and conviction.

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海关应当在法定扣留期限内对被扣留人进行审查。The Customs shall examine the detainee within the time limit of detention specified by law.

其他两人的名字不明,受伤的被扣留者的身份也不明。The names of two others are unknown, and the identity of the wounded detainee is not known.

第六十五条公安机关对于被拘留的人,应当在拘留后的二十四小时以内进行讯问。Article 65 A public security organ shall interrogate a detainee within 24 hours after detention.

另一位指挥官,阿布.本.库穆,也曾在阿富汗作战,并在关塔那摩服过刑。Another top commander, Abu Sufian bin Qumu, is a former Guantánamo detainee who also fought in Afghanistan.

在拘留期间,被拘留人承认并改正错误的,人民法院可以决定提前解除拘留。The people's court may decide to advance the time of release, if the detainee admits and mends his wrongdoings.

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最近的评估表明,每年从被捕者和被居留者身上收集到的样本将超过一百万份。Recent estimates indicate that the collection of arrestee and detainee samples may exceed one million samples per year.

如果审讯官将囚犯猛推到墙上,会用拧好的毛巾防止囚犯脖颈受伤。If interrogators shoved a detainee against a wall, his neck was to be supported “with a rolled towel to prevent whiplash”.

这一时期结束时的第二次评估被用来确定被拘留者必须花多少时间进行社区康复。A second evaluation at the end of this period determines the length of time a detainee must spend in community rehabilitation.

审讯不仅变成获取情报的过程,还成为了彻底羞辱阶下囚的过程。The interrogation became a process not justof getting information but of utterly subordinating the detainee throughhumiliation.

每次使用它们时,受审者都保持沉默,好像他们害怕一旦说了什么,就会加重所受压力。Every time they were used, the detainee would clam up as they were scared that anything they said would make that pressure increase.

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“他们中的许多人怀着万分惊恐的心情走进”伊拉克监狱,一位在迪亚拉省工作的美军羁押者专家,一等中士宾尼·巴尔博表示。"A lot of them are scared to go" to Iraqi prisons, says Sgt 1st Class Penny Barber, a US military detainee specialist working in Diyala.

据比利时媒体报道,一名前关塔那摩监狱囚犯已于当地时间8日抵达比利时。A previous detainee of the US prison camp in Cuba's Guantanamo Bay arrived in Belgium Thursday to be transferred there, local media reported.

一个被拘留者是在一项行动,以驱逐出他们在曼谷2010年5月19日营地反政府红衫示威者在地上。A detainee lies on the ground during an operation to evict anti-government Red Shirt protesters from their encampment in Bangkok May 19, 2010.