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我们是否软弱多愁?。Are we weak and heavy laden.

本拉登已经是过去式了。Bin Laden was already passé.

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果实累累的树木。Trees heavily laden with fruit.

那个强盗恶贯满盈。That robber is laden with guilt.

拉登是布什的肉中刺。Laden is the thorn in Bush's flesh.

本.拉登还想像殉道者那样死去。Bin Laden wanted to die as a martyr.

奥萨马本拉登被击毙而非被捕。Osama bin Laden was killed, not captured.

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他们把满载的船只拴在我的树上。They moor their laden boats near my trees.

乌萨马-本拉登很可能是真正地死去了。Osama bin Laden may well and truly be dead.

本拉登是一个装满垃圾的垃圾箱。Bin Landen is a bin that laden with rubbish.

奥马尔·本·拉丹和他的马,2007年于吉达。Omar bin Laden with his horse in Jeddah, 2007.

其中之一,本·拉登站在一个大衣橱前。In one, bin Laden stands in front of an armoire.

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奥巴马在纽约归零地纪念本-拉登的遇害人Obama Honors Victims of Bin Laden at Ground Zero

台上放满了地图、航海图和书。The table was laden with maps, charts, and books.

那么要是本拉登最终离去后,谁会上位呢?Who might take over if bin Laden finally does go?

拉登女儿摆脱伊朗软禁,躲入沙特大使馆。Bin Laden daughter hides in Saudi embassy in Iran.

一棵十几米高的杨梅树,初夏,结满了果实。A ten meters tall arbutus, summer, laden with fruit.

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抓捕本·拉登,生物地理学能帮上忙吗?Can the Science of Biogeography Find Osama Bin Laden?

拉登是阿拉伯历史上伟大的民族英雄。Laden was the greatest national hero in Arab history.

而这次行动的目标正是美国的头号公敌,奥萨马本拉登。The target was America’s No. 1 enemy, Osama bin Laden.